Credit: Lizzy Worstell
How to survive midterms and second semester
Naomi Lathan, Matt Karle, Janani Gandhi, Jackie Stoller, Jay Abdella, Wendy Wang, and Meg Trogolo
WSPN reporters offer their best tips on how to survive midterm season and succeed in the second semester of WHS’ hardest classes.

Survival Guide: Midterms
WSPN's Jackie Stoller and Jay Abdella offer their best tips on how to ace your midterm exams this week. Go to the library Food and friends make the best combo for studying, and staying at home can become boring and repetitive. Going to the library and having a change of scenery can spice up your studying and make it more productive. This is also a good place to meet with groups and study together. Start...

Survival Guide: Honors biology
With midterms beginning on the 24th, Wayland freshmen will have completed half of their first year at the high school. No doubt, many of them have noted the stark contrasts between high school and middle school: the schedules, the social environments and the classes are all markedly different. Students in the honors biology classes face an especially drastic change. The relative ease with which one...

Survival Guide: Honors chemistry
Midterms are upon us, and honors chemistry students may start to feel the pressure. With third quarter (otherwise known as the quarter of death) fast approaching, you have molecular structures, gas laws, and so many more fun times ahead. To help you prepare, here is a list of do’s and don’ts so you can ace the second semester of honors chem. Do’s Work in groups Bouncing your confusion ...

Survival Guide: Honors physics
Dear honors physics students, Congrats! You’re half way through one of the most challenging yet rewarding science classes at Wayland High School! On the morning of Friday, Jan. 27, all of you will take your long anticipated (or dreaded, in most cases) physics mid-year exam. To help you alleviate the excruciating stress of studying for the test and to help you navigate through the second half of...

Survival Guide: Honors U.S. history
Congratulations, junior HUSH students. You’ve made it through the first semester of a difficult class, and you’ve survived the first half of arguably the hardest year of high school. There’s still a long road ahead of you in HUSH, however, and I hope that these tips make it that much easier for you to travel. Let’s start with Tuesday morning’s midterm. Study using the guide your tea...
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