Guide to the US history SAT II

I recommend taking this subject test during the June test session of your junior year. While I took AP U.S. History before taking this subject test, I know people who took this subject test who were in various U.S. History classes. While you could probably try to study the material on your own, you will probably do better if you take it while you are finishing your U.S. History.

I would suggest starting to study by organizing your notes/papers/worksheets from this year in order of unit. This will make it easier to reference your notes when you have a question about a particular subject. After you have organized your notes, briefly skim through them. This will help refresh your memory since it will have been a while since you have seen the material from earlier in the year.

Afterwards, write up an outline of each unit, with the most important things to remember from that particular unit. This can include dates, events, people or anything else that you feel is important to understanding that unit. Look at your notes and your textbook in order to make this outline. After you have finished the outline, give the outline to someone else in your class so they can look over it and see if there is anything that might be incorrect or if there is something important that you missed. If there is a certain unit that you are having trouble with, you can make a Quizlet for it and use their flashcards and games to study that unit more thoroughly.

If you are taking AP U.S. History, do at least some of the practice questions in your AMSCO book. Many people also find it helpful to purchase a U.S. History Subject Test review book. I did this and I found the practice tests and practice questions very helpful, although I did not need readings that were in the book in order to review, since my AMSCO book was much more in-depth.

Finally, make sure that you get a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast before your test. It is important that you are able to focus during the exam, because some of the questions may be difficult to follow if you are reading them while tired, hungry or otherwise distracted. Good luck and I’m sure you’re going to ace this test!

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