Credit: Emily Chafe

Freshman Emily Chau dresses in pajamas from American Eagle for the school wide psych with Adidas sneakers. “Don’t try to go with something because it’s a trend. Start with something you’re comfortable with, and then from there you can kind of play around with it,” Chau said.

Emily Chau

Name: Emily Chau

Grade: 9


Favorite store:

“American Eagle [Outfitters] because it has a lot of really cute styles. They can be a little expensive here and there, but generally, their stuff is reasonably priced and they have a wide range of style.”


Online shopping or in-store?

“I like in-store shopping because I can see the material, I can touch it, [and] I can make the shape fit me. It’s just because I can see the clothing more than [I can] online.”


Fashion icon:

“Chrissy Teigen. I think she has a really cute and comfy style. She can wear things [to] the Met Gala, but she can also wear the cutest outfit [to] the beach or something. I just really like her versatile style.”

Credit: Emily Chafe
Chau dresses in a t-shirt, cardigan and jeans from American Eagle and Converse sneakers.

Favorite season:

“Fall, hands down. Because fall has good in-between weather, so you can mix and match warmer and cooler things.”


Design time:

“Some [days], I’ll just have a brain moment and be like ‘Oh, that might [look] good together.’ So [some outfits] just kind of come to me. But other times, I’ll literally just stand in front of my closet and be like ‘I have nothing,’ even though I have so many things. So, it really varies on the day. Some days I’m just not feeling it.”


Favorite article of clothing:

“Definitely sweaters or cardigans because they are just so comfy, and [I] can wear them both in so many different ways. Sweater weather is my favorite.”


Style word:

“Basic with a twist.”


Fashion-challenged advice:

“Don’t try to go with something because it’s a trend. Start with something you’re comfortable with and then from there you can kind of play around with it.”

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