Sophomore Raseed Parham dresses in H&M, Levi’s and Nike. “Sometimes just go outside of your comfort zone and try something new,” Parham said.

Raseed Parham

Name: Raseed Parham

Grade: Sophomore


Favorite store:

“Probably either Nike or H&M. Nike because it has very good athleisure and comfortable clothes, and H&M because they have good jeans.”


Online shopping or in-store?

“In-store because clothes fit me weird sometimes, so I can always just try it on and get [a] different size.”


Fashion icon:

“Drake or Jaden Smith. Drake because he dresses very well, but sometimes he dresses up [in] suits. And then Jaden Smith because he’s around my age, and I really like his music [and] see him in me.”



“[My jacket and hat] are from H&M, [my jeans are from] Levi’s and my shoes are from Nike.”


Favorite season:

“Definitely fall because it’s [a] good layering season.”


Design time:

“[I] usually [choose my clothes] the night before, but if I get lazy [then I choose them] in the morning.”


Favorite article of clothing:

“Definitely sweaters. They’re kind of the perfect mix between formal and casual.”


Style word:



Fashion-challenged advice:

“Sometimes just go outside of your comfort zone and try something new.”


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