Credit: Isabella Arenas

Survival Guide: Language


  • Start off by separating your reading, writing, listening, and speaking notes.
  • Find all of your old tests and cover up your answers. Take the test over again and see how you do
  • Listen to old listenings, re-read any stories, rewrite old prompts given on tests for practice.
  • For the oral: first write out bullet points of ideas you want to say, and then practice saying sentences aloud. After you’ve practice by yourself, call a friend and practice together.
  • Make sure to study different prompts for the oral and focus on all units.
  • Practice all conjugations. Write them out or say them out loud.
  • Organize the different vocabulary sheets (or Quizlets).
  • If you want to challenge yourself, watch a movie on Netflix and switch the language. This will really help you prepare for the listening portion.
  • Ask your teacher to check your practice writings to see if your conjugations are correct.


  • Go through past translations and re-translate everything, this way, even if you do blank on the test, you at least have some sense of what you’re doing.
  • Parse significant words- nouns, verbs, adjective, participles
  • Review grammar notes- case usage, reasons for mood, and synopses  
  • Review scansion-these are generally easy to memorize, so a little bit of effort can save you a lot of extra points.
  • Go to review sessions
  • Work together with your class to get through translations- if everyone contributes, it will be a lot more effective.



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