Stone Harris

Name: Stone Harris

Grade: Senior

Favorite store: “My favorite store is Patagonia. I really like their clothes because they are comfortable.”

Online shopping or in-store? “I definitely prefer online shopping, I don’t really like talking to people.”

Fashion icon: “Probably myself. If it had to be someone, it would be Zeke Betancourt.”

Outfit: “My jacket is from L.L.Bean, my shirt is from Patagonia, my shorts are from Birddogs and my shoes are from Vans.”

Favorite season: “Definitely fall, because you get a mix of some warm weather and some cold weather.”

Design time: “I choose my outfits the morning of because I don’t really have time to choose the night before.”

Favorite article of clothing: “Definitely hoodies, they are comfortable and everyone can have as many hoodies as they want.”

Style word: “Relaxed.”

Fashion-challenged advice: “Find people you admire and see what they wear.”’

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