Join WSPN’s Tasha Janoff and Jenny Shine as they chat with November’s Artist of the Month Ava Renneker.
What art class are you currently taking and what has been your art journey?
“Currently, I am taking Advanced Placement (AP) Studio Art. In middle school, I liked doing art so I decided to take [it] in high school and I’ve just taken [art] every year since. I have had a lot of fun in all the [art] classes I’ve taken.”
When did you know that art was a passion of yours?
“I’ve always [enjoyed it]. Art has always been a thing in my life, even when I was younger. The classes I’ve been taking in high school have [allowed] me to improve and define my art skills.
What is your favorite medium to use?
“I like using graphite, which is [similar] to a pencil. It’s a good [tool] to use for shading. I also really like using oil pastels because they are [fun] to blend with.”
What is your least favorite medium to use?
“I’m not a fan of ceramics because I don’t like using clay. It’s really [messy] and it’s frustrating to [handle].”
How long do you spend on average for an art piece?
“This year I’ve already completed five pieces. We had to do three [pieces] over the summer and I’ve also had to finish two [projects] in the first quarter. By the end of the year, we need to have [produced] 15 pieces.”
What is your favorite piece of art you have produced?
““My favorite piece is a paper cut I made last year of my dog, Kiki. It took so long because I had to draw and cut out each piece of fur. Each piece of fur was very small so it was time consuming. I really like how [the piece] turned out.”
What do you enjoy most about art?
“Art is an outlet for me to get all my creativity out. Art is also just a fun way for me to pass time.
There’s so many options and mediums you can use and I like how art is very open ended and objective. Someone can see a piece one way another person sees it another and I think that’s really cool.”
Do you intend to continue art professionally, or in college?
“I’m not planning on majoring in it, but I might decide to minor in it. [Art] is something I really enjoy and have been doing for a while, so I don’t think it’s something I can just leave it behind.”
Do you do art outside of school?
“In my free time, I like to crochet and knit. Last year I decided that for [each of] my friends’ birthdays, I would crochet a bag for each of them. All my friends loved the gift and it was really fun to do.”