WSPN’s Marissa Mendoza and Ainsley Jay sat down with the Class of 2028’s presidential and vice presidential candidates to get their takes on the race. The officer candidates will present their speeches during extended advisory on Thursday, Oct. 17. Freshmen will vote on these candidates during all three lunches on Thursday, Oct. 17 and Friday, Oct. 18. In addition to class officers, freshmen will vote for executive board representatives and student council representatives.
Presidential candidates
Freshman Kathy Francis
What are your goals, and what are you planning for the future?
“The main goal of the freshman Eboard is to raise money for [the semi-formal], so I plan to do that by holding fundraisers like ice cream socials, contests, tournaments and charity events with different sponsors.”
Why are you a good candidate for president?
“I’ve been in many leadership positions throughout the years. I was in the school council and a student ambassador last year, I am a youth coordinator for [my] church and I am the chair coordinator of a junior organizer outside of school.”
What makes you different from the other candidates?
“[As] I said, I’ve been in different leadership positions. I don’t have too much going on in my life right now, but I take my schoolwork very seriously, and I’m also a hard worker. If you tell me to do something, I will get it done, and I’ll make sure that I do it correctly, even if it’s not graded or something. So I’m very passionate about that sort of stuff. Whatever I set my mind to, I will achieve.”
Freshman Vik Chaudhry
What are your goals, and what are you planning for the future?
“We’re aiming to have a really good semi. I want [semi] to be unforgettable for everyone. [I’m] planning on making money, building communications and having good relationships with local community businesses. [My goal is] to just have a stronger bond with the town. We want to get a semi, and I’m not planning on making any new events because I want our entire attention to be on a semi. I want all our planning [and] money to be for a good [semi].”
Why are you a good candidate for president?
“I’ve known I’ve wanted this [position] for a year now. I think I’m the best candidate since I have great leadership skills, I’ve done public speaking multiple times in my life and I’ve been a leader for a while. At a local Indian temple, I’ve run some of the services there.”
What makes you different from the other candidates?
“I have [a] legacy. My older brother is the senior class president, and I want to do this, not for the college [applications], but for the relationships that it will build me for the future.”
Freshman Sophia Driscoll
What are your goals, and what are you planning for the future?
“A lot of the things I’m focused on as a community is fundraising. I’m really open to a lot of fundraising ideas from my peers. I want to be able to bridge the board and all their students and opinions and make everything work out in the best way possible for everybody. So everybody can have a say in certain things.”
Why do you think you’re a good candidate?
“I’m really dedicated. I have strong leadership skills since I’ve always been a leader which I think are skills that really fit [class president]. I did this program with my friends. I was one of the team leaders for it. It wasn’t a school run [program], but it was school-based. It helped [develop my leadership skills] because I was able to work with people in my grade, and I think I could apply those leadership skills to the presidency.”
What makes you different from the other candidates?
“I think a lot of candidates are only focused on only [one] way of fundraising. The [other candidates] will always say I’ll make sure your voices are heard. I think [the role of presidents] is more than just listening. You have to apply [the class’s opinions] to the situation you are going to come across as a president.”
Freshman Max Ulep
What are your goals, and what are you planning for the future?
“If I were elected as the freshmen class president, my main goal would be to host an amazing semi-formal with the help of the rest of the Eboard. [I want to] accomplish [this] through effective fundraisers that I hope will raise lots of money. I also hope that as class president I am able to lift everyone up and not just focus on one group. It’s important to me that everyone has a good time, so I’m not just going to make decisions based on one perspective and opinion. Whether you play on a sports team at the high school or are dedicated to the arts, your voice is just as important and valued to me [as] any other.”
Why do you think you’re a good candidate?
“I personally believe that I am one of, if not the most, qualified candidate. Through my time as a student, I have learned how to work hard, be organized, problem solve, and persevere when the going gets tough. These [traits] can be easily applied to the context of student government, where it is important to be thorough and follow through on the tasks at hand. I also have a significant amount of experience in leadership positions. Many people know me as someone who is focused on school work and grades, but I have also dedicated a lot of time to soccer. Last year, I was elected as one of the captains on the boys soccer team at the middle school, and this year I was elected [again] as one of the captains on the freshmen boys soccer team. In terms of club soccer, I was also chosen to be one of the captains. Being a captain comes with a lot of responsibilities, including making sure things are tidy [as well as having] all the supplies needed for practices and games. Over the years, I have learned to work in a team, listen to others, and delegate tasks. These skills can be incorporated into the position of class president, where I can collaborate with the rest of the Eboard, staff, clubs and, of course, the students. Still on the topic of leadership, I was also a student ambassador for the middle school council, [so I] represented the voice and opinions of all the Wayland Middle School students. Lastly, I would like to point out that I’m already heavily involved with numerous groups at the high school, which allow me to personally relate to many perspectives. As a member of the school orchestra, chorus, the freshmen boys soccer team, math team and a cappella, I can understand many opinions and am open to new and refreshing ones. These are just a few reasons why I would make a good candidate.”
What makes you different from the other candidates?
“I believe that what sets me apart from all the other candidates is the fact that I am so open-minded. No matter what opinion you have, even if it differs from everyone else’s, I will take it into account when making decisions. I believe that I am someone that anyone can go up to and voice their thoughts without the fear of being judged. A president’s job is to not only fundraise but to represent their class. You have to be able to represent everyone, not just half the class or even [majority]. Everyone must have a say. With me as president, I hope that people know that they can go up to me with an issue no matter how big or small. I am here to help.”
Vice presidential candidates
Freshman Jonah Theobald
What are your goals, and what are you planning for the future?
“My goals are mainly focused on next year’s semi because that’s where most of our fundraising efforts would be towards. I plan on selling Wayland branded merchandise like sweatshirts and pants. I’ve [already] consulted with former freshman vice presidents and [learned that] sales like these have brought in over $2500 alone in one year.”
Why do you think you’re a good candidate?
“[In my opinion], good candidates don’t just have good policies, they also have synergy with their fellow officers. I aim to make this the central goal of my vice presidency. I want to aid and assist my president rather than clash with them. I have proven reliable policies and will work with my president to make sure our year is as productive and profitable as possible.”
What makes you different from the other candidates?
“None of my other candidates have published any campaign materials about how they will work with their presidents. Other candidates have only spoken about their own policies. Even if these are good policies, a vice president only pushing their ideas into office and not considering the president’s, treasurer’s and secretary’s proposals will never accelerate fundraising opportunities as well as a vice president who unifies the officers, rather than dividing them.”
Freshman Karis Tam
What are your goals, and what are you planning for the future?
“I plan to organize many fundraisers that will ultimately generate money for our events such as semi formal. My plans for fundraisers include used book sales, raffles and events such as trivia night. I also plan on giving [my classmates] an opportunity to help plan their events so they can have a perspective in the decisions. This will include letting students vote on the theme of semi formal.”
Why do you think you’re a good candidate?
“I am a good candidate because I am responsible, hard working and persistent. I also plan on listening and advocating for everyone. I’ll make sure everyone’s voices are heard [and] I never back down from a challenge and face it head on.”
What makes you different from the other candidates?
“I am different from other candidates because I plan to integrate everyone’s voices into the plans for our grade. I am genuinely interested in hearing everyone’s opinions and ideas [so] I will make sure that every single person in our grade has a say in what goes on with our grade.”