Name: Benjamin Migdalen
Grade: 10
Favorite store: “My favorite store is Hollister because the clothes fit well.”
In person or online shopping: “I prefer in person shopping because I can try the clothes on to see how they fit and look in person.”
Fashion inspiration: “I get my inspiration from Pinterest and Instagram. I don’t have any specific people I get inspiration from, but I get a lot of inspiration from various influencers.”
Favorite season for fashion: “My favorite season for fashion is the spring because I don’t have to wear a sweatshirt to stay warm. Whereas in winter, you have to dress warmer for the weather.”
Favorite accessory: “My favorite accessory is my chain because my Grandpa gave it to me.”
Design time: “Usually in the morning it takes me about ten minutes to pick out an outfit.”
One word to describe your style: “One word I would use to describe my style is insane.”
Piece of fashion advice: “One piece of advice I would give is to be yourself.”
What fashion is to you: “To me, fashion is a way to express yourself and be who you want to be.”