Imagine walking into a classroom where you’re discussing events unfolding right now – the news, the big changes and the issues that matter in your life and the world around you. That’s what schools could be like if we make more time to talk about current events in classrooms. Politics, the environment, education, business and economics as well as local news are covered each day in all types of media, raising questions and concerns for many students.
History curriculum is designed to teach past events that have shaped the world we live in today. Yet in that same world, news stories are constantly changing and evolving. As a busy student-athlete, I don’t always have the time to dive into those stories, even though I am interested in understanding what’s happening in the world around me. It’s important that students have opportunities during school to explore current events to understand different perspectives and learn more facts and details. While the high school does offer a current events elective, it is important that all students have the opportunity to engage in conversations about current events in a constructive way.
“The goal of the history department is for students to be able to talk wisely and with understanding about current events, and that they need the historical background to get there,” history department head David Schmirer said.
As someone who is in their third year of high school, I experience teachers talking about current events when brought up by a student but I don’t see the conversation. Though I agree with Mr. Schmirer, I think that the department needs to implement these conversations themselves so students are able to not only understand the past but also understand why things are happening currently.
I wonder if teachers are reluctant to discuss difficult news topics for fear of negative feedback from families, challenges in remaining neutral or concern about opening the door to potentially controversial discussions. However, a guided conversation that allows all voices to be heard would greatly benefit WHS students. Not only would it educate students on important information, but it would also allow them to connect the present to the past.
Schmirer is a supporter of discussing current events in history class – when it’s relevant to the curriculum.
“I would love to see history teachers…using historical context to look at modern day issues,” Schmirer said.
Additionally, hearing the facts from teachers can ensure that students receive accurate information. Word of mouth and rumors can spread false information, harming adolescents’ ability to understand the world.
“Our job is to make sure that students walk out of Wayland High School as graduating seniors that are able to understand the very complex issues that are taking place in Massachusetts, the U.S. and all around the world,” Schmirer said.
Not only would current events centered conversations help students within history class but it would benefit in their future as adults.
An emotional connection between teachers and classmates can emerge through these tough conversations because students must trust their environment to feel comfortable asking questions. This sense of security also encourages students to seek support when needed.
In the end, school is about more than just memorizing dates and formulas. It’s about understanding the world we live in and shaping it. By incorporating current event conversations into our school day, we’re not just learning about the news – we’re learning to think critically, communicate respectfully and become active, informed citizens.