News Brief: WPS sends out free at-home COVID-19 tests
Credit: Aimee Smith
Assistant Superintendent Parry Graham sends an email to Wayland Public Schools’ families regarding the distribution of free at-home COVID-19 tests.
November 19, 2022
On Tuesday, Nov. 14, Assistant Superintendent Parry Graham sent out an email to Wayland Public Schools families about distributing free at-home COVID-19 tests. The tests will be distributed to families before the Thanksgiving and December breaks because of a new state-supported initiative, and families will have the option to opt out of receiving COVID-19 tests if they would like to.
The COVID-19 test distribution is meant to prevent an increase in COVID-19 cases after holiday breaks, as many WPS families visit extended family members during the holiday season.
“While we have been fortunate to have minimal disruption from COVID-19 so far this school year, we know that the Thanksgiving and December breaks are times when a lot of families and staff will be traveling and gathering in large groups,” Graham wrote in the email sent to WPS families. “These are the types of settings that can lead to increases in COVID-19 cases, and we are hoping to proactively stay ahead of potential spread happening in schools immediately after these breaks.”
As of now, the plan is to have each Wayland school distribute COVID-19 tests on Tuesday, Nov. 22, and again shortly before students are released for December break. Students in the WPS system will be asked to test for COVID-19 on Sunday, Nov. 27 and report any positive results. A similar process will be followed by students after December break as well.
“Positive student results should be reported to [the student’s] school nurse,” Graham wrote. “Negative results do not need to be reported. We ask [families] to follow this guidance from MA DPH/DESE, which addresses questions about isolation, exposure and symptoms.”
If students will not be in school on Tuesday, Nov. 22, families can make separate arrangements to receive their free COVID-19 tests. Additionally, if families need any additional COVID-19 tests or masks, they can pick them up at the Town Building lobby at all times.