News Brief: Loker students attending WHS Feb. 7

Credit: WSPN Staff
Students at Loker Elementary School will be attending school on the WHS campus Tuesday, as a result of school closure due to water damage.
February 6, 2023
Students at Loker Elementary School will be attending Wayland High School on Tuesday, Feb. 7, as a result of water damage this past weekend.
The record low temperatures this weekend caused pipes to burst in the elementary school, which created flooding and water damage. Loker School was closed on Monday, Feb. 6 to repair these issues.
Principal Allyson Mizoguchi sent an email memo to WHS students and families notifying them of this update.
“We will be hosting Loker School at WHS tomorrow,” Mizoguchi said.
Loker students will be located in the field house for the majority of the school day, but will eat lunch in the commons during lunch block.
“It will be fun to share the space with them,” Mizoguchi said. “Thank you for your patience as both space and servery capacity will be tight.”
As Loker students will begin their school day at 7:45 a.m., WHS administration requests that WHS students not arrive to school until Loker dropoff is complete at 8:05 a.m..
“We ask that you are aware of and patient with the additional traffic,” Mizoguchi said.
The junior parking lot will be reserved for Loker staff, so all WHS students must park in the main lot.
“We are really looking forward to having Loker here on campus and thank our staff and students in advance for being supportive and flexible” Mizoguchi said.