We have all heard that there will be a lack of parking at Wayland High School next year on account of the new school construction. Most students with licenses will be unable to drive themselves to school, since teachers will get first consideration for parking spaces. Why?
Why should teachers get special treatment when it comes to parking, while students, the future of our great country, are left to divide up the leftovers? Teachers should have to sacrifice just as much as the students in the interest of fairness, especially because most of the teachers will still be here to enjoy the new school once it’s built. The students who could be driving to school will not be.
Ever since kindergarten, we have all been taught that sharing is caring. Shouldn’t teachers have to follow their own lesson?
Teachers should have to carpool to school for their own benefit, as well as the benefit of students. This mandatory carpool would actually help teachers get their work done. If the carpools are divided up by department, the teachers could have all their meetings while in the car.
If they do this, they won’t have to stay late on Wednesdays anymore, which I’m sure they would love. Students already get to go home early on Wednesdays, now teachers could too. Also, if a teacher had to meet with parents about a student, those parents could just pick them up and drive them to school. Both teacher and parents would save a great deal of time since the parents would probably have to drive their child to school anyway.
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This plan would also improve the relationship between teachers and students a great deal. If the teachers were willing to give up their spots it would really make the students like the teachers more. In an unofficial study conducted by Harvard University, 5 out of 5 students said that they would be less likely to vandalize their teacher’s car if said teacher were to give up their parking spots to students.
It would be very unfortunate if something were to happen to a teacher’s car because they were unwilling to carpool and give their spots to students. Students leave school during the day while teachers do not, so it makes more sense for students to have cars at school. Also, student morale would improve if they learned that they would be able to park at school next year.
There would be many other benefits for teachers themselves if they were to accept this carpooling plan. First of all, they could save a lot of money on gas. If there were five teachers in a car, and they each took turns driving one day a week, then they would only have to use 20% of the gas they would normally use in a school year.
This lessening of gas use would also help the environment and decrease global warming for future generations. Imagine the alternative if teachers don’t start carpooling now: global warming will reduce the world to a burning pile of ash. We can see evidence of this occurring already. From January of 2009 to August of 2009, the average daily temperature went up by almost 400%.
We need to act now if we are going to save the world.
Editor’s note: This is a humor article and should be read as such.
Mr. Quibbles • Mar 31, 2010 at 11:42 AM
That is the best idea i have ever heard. If I was a teacher, I would also love this because i would get to carpool with student!!!! It would make my life so much easier!!! If only mr tutweiler went along with this! And think of all the money i would save on gas! and as a student, i get more parking!!! +++!! genius! i mean, sharing is caring, hahahah hypocrites!!!!!!
jf;alfjghd • Mar 30, 2010 at 4:15 PM
this is the dumbest idea ever… give less parking to teachers? in not like they're there to TEACH or anything. And very few teachers actually live in Wayland, Carpooling would just mean that teachers would have to go way out of their way just to get a couple others… why don't we actually think about things before you write an article about them….
wowww • Mar 30, 2010 at 7:31 PM
why don't you actually read the article before commenting on it? it even says it's a HUMOR ARTICLE at the bottom. do yourself a favor and look up the definition of satire.
don't they teach satire in english class?
Will Smith • Mar 31, 2010 at 11:45 AM
are you kidding me? its the best idea ever! i wish i was david murphy. that kid is so smart.
Sasha • Mar 30, 2010 at 2:54 PM
I think that it isn't a good idea because teachers have families, what if one of them has to go pick up their kid from school during the day?? they need their own car. Students can get picked up by their parents. And besides, teacher work here, they should be guaranteed a parking spot. yes it would help if teacher would carpool, but they do work at WHS and we dont.