You know, it’s a privilege to pee because one day, water will be worth its weight in gold. But before that happens, come see Urinetown, a musical directed by Mr. Weingartner. Urinetown is a futuristic tale about what happens when a 20-year drought causes a major water shortage, making private toilets “unthinkable.” As the story unfolds, you find new and dark secrets about the mysterious Urinetown and how it’s more than just a jail for those who refuse to pay the fee to pee. Come see Bobby Strong (Ryan Rosenblatt) as he fights for the right to pee for free and inspires a revolution for everyone. Also see Mr. Cladwell force people to pee in all public amenities while paying to do it.
Urinetown is no ordinary musical; in fact, it makes fun of the traditional musical convention by parodying other famous and successful musicals like Les Miserables, Evita, and West Side Story. For example, the song “What is Urinetown” is based on a song from Fiddler on the Roof.
Urinetown will make you laugh so hard that you could pee your pants, but don’t forget there’s a fee for that in this play. So come see Urinetown November 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th in the Little Theater at 7:30 PM. Tickets are $5 for students/seniors and $10 for adults. All tickets will be on sale during lunches, at the door, and on
Laine Winokur • Nov 8, 2007 at 7:50 AM
Actually, the song “What is Urinetown” is based on a song from Fiddler on the Roof. The “Act One Finale” is based on Les Miserables.