At 5:45 A.M. every day, Bob Steel could be found unlocking the buildings of Wayland High School. He would turn on the T.V. in the Commons, empty the outdoor trash cans, clean the bleachers after games, send packages and clean the cafeteria during lunches.
Not stopping for a minute, Steel would then move on to the kitchens and begin cleaning there. Bob Steel was a man in motion.
“He was just a whirlwind…The guy was always moving. There wasn’t enough time in the day for him,” said Ed Konopka, Wayland High School’s head custodian.
One day, when Wayland students came to campus, they noticed that the T.V. in the Commons wasn’t turned on as usual.
The man so many had come to rely on had been hit by a car the preceding afternoon. After remaining in a coma for approximately a week, Bob Steel passed away on December 26th, 2010.
Steel was a longtime WHS custodian and a beloved figure around campus, widely admired for his work ethic and good humor.
“He was definitely all for one, one for all,” said Konopka. “He was a team player. Poor guy would be so tired sometimes he would fall asleep in the break room, and someone would tie his shoes together. But he was always good at taking a practical joke.”
From this loss sprung an outpouring of appreciation and love. To honor Steel’s memory and the qualities he embodied, the new Robert Steel Achievement Award will be presented each year to deserving WHS students.
“Bob was a person of boundless energy, good humor, and an unflagging commitment to working hard, very hard,” said Principal Patrick Tutwiler in an email to the WHS faculty about the new Bob Steel award. “We are looking to recognize students who consistently apply themselves, accept challenges with a positive attitude, and keep working until the job is done.”
At least 50 students were nominated for the award. All of those students received notification of their nomination, and in the end, two students from each grade were recognized with the award.
The senior award winners, Manwon Brisbane and Anna-Lisa Kroll, received the honor during Senior Awards Night on May 31st.
The six underclassmen award winners were presented with the award during Underclassmen Awards Night on June 7th. The winners were juniors Kush Bhagat and Kayla Rice, sophomores Joseph Defina and Mary Downs and freshmen Rosalita Cormier and Michelle Sheffres.
In fact, Defina wrote an English paper about Steel and the other custodians’ roles as unsung heroes of Wayland High School shortly before Steel’s death.
When Steel was in the hospital, Defina wrote him the following note:
“Hi Mr. Steel, My name is Joey Defina, and I’m a sophomore here at Wayland High School, and I wrote this paper a week or so ago for English class. We were assigned a paper to write about someone who is underappreciated and who is very dedicated to their job. You were immediately the first person that came to mind when brainstorming for this paper. On behalf of the faculty, students, and I, we are really thankful for all the hard work and dedication you put into your job, making our school a cleaner and better place. Today, when I was having lunch in the Commons, I already have felt the big change our school is experiencing without you. So please hurry, and get better because everyone here is missing you a whole lot!! Mr. Steel, you’re a great man. I appreciate the hard work you do around here, and I give you the best of luck to get better and can’t wait to see your face back at school. Thanks so much for everything you do for our school, I really appreciate it. Thanks again. Sincerely, Joey.”
“You try to carry on, you try to rebuild, you deal with it. It’s always in the back of your head,” said Konopka. “It was a devastating loss for the whole Wayland community. He’s not someone who can be replaced.”
Matt DeCarlo, a WHS alumnus of the Class of 2010 who worked with Steel, was strongly affected. “It was just weird. I came back from winter break, and when I heard, it was like ‘Wow.’ It just hit me really hard. It definitely changed the environment for me. When I think of Wayland High School, I think of an awesome sense of impenetrable community, but when something like that happens, it’s devastating. Especially to such a nice guy, like Bob. It just sucked.”
In addition to loving his work, according to Metrowest Daily News, Steel loved football, riding dirt bikes and being with his son. Steel is survived by his mother and father as well as his stepmother, son, two sisters, his grandparents, and nieces and nephews.
Steel’s mother, Sally Steel, has invited any and all Wayland community members to sign the guestbook created on the Metrowest Daily News website to honor and remember the man who so loved WHS.
Although the T.V. in the Commons was turned on the next day, the buildings were unlocked and the cafeteria was kept clean, the memory of Bob Steel will never be forgotten by the Wayland community.
MR. & MRS. P. • Jun 27, 2011 at 6:02 PM
BOB was our special grandson, and we are pleased to see how the whole community of Wayland H.S. has acknowledged him and our family. We have so much respect and appreciation for all of you!. It means the world to us and it is also satisfying to us to see there are still such caring people in this society today.
Thanks again for everything. Bob's Grammy and Grandpa P.
Audrey J. Auld • Jun 23, 2011 at 5:49 PM
HATS OFF to Wayland H.S. faculty & student body for such an emtional story in honoring Bob Steel. ( I'm his aunt & he'll always be Bobby to me, with a sweet smile). He's left such an impression on all of us. Your support has been overwhelming to his family. Bob had so much pride in what he did. Thank you all so much for all your kindness and your endless stories. I was speechless when I heard about the Robert Steel Achievement Award. Thank you again, you made my sister, Sally very proud.
Janet Locke • Jun 22, 2011 at 2:51 PM
Things will never be the same. The pain of Bobby's death is shared by family and Wayland High School. What a wonderful tribute to Bob. Congratulations to recipients of this Achievement Award. Thank you for the honor and remembrance of Bob Steel. Bob's legacy continues.
Sally's cousin – Janet
Audrey J. Auld • Jun 22, 2011 at 1:58 PM
Hats off to the Wayland H.S faculty & student body for such an inspirational story in honoring my nephew Bob Steel (Bobby to me). I'll never forgot his smile and laugh, so good natured and easy going. I can see the school took alot of pride in his work and he was well respected. His parents are so proud of him for all you have done.
It's not the years in your life that count….It's the life in your years that matter.
Thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness
Audrey Auld
Kim Blades • Jun 20, 2011 at 10:08 PM
I can not express enough how this makes me feel.Melanie And Kruti deserve lots of credit for their hard work involved in this writing. It is amazing to me, what everyone in general from the Wayland High Community has done for my family. The new Robert Steel Award took my breath away.My brother would be extremely proud of that.His memory will be cherished always and forever.
The comments Ed added were so true, I could see someone tying his shoes together, and waking up chuckling about it. It was a perfect quote too, how it was mentioned that he was " all for one, one for all!"
I also want to commend Joey for writing his piece before he left us.
We are just so appreciative for everything from the staff and students. And of course Pat for always being there for him and now for us.
Scott Parmenter • Jun 20, 2011 at 5:40 PM
First off, this is a fantastic article! I'm Bob's cousin and even though we didn't see each other that often it was always great to see him around as I saw him and my father (his Uncle Bill) joke and fool around which was always a good time. Even though we didn't spend a lot of time together it still hurts to lose a member of your family so seeing how much others cared for him and also stories about him is so awesome and very touching. I thank everyone at WHS for all of their love and support given to my family especially my Aunt Sally and her family!
sally steel • Jun 18, 2011 at 11:23 PM
This is a wonderful article written about my son. Thank you all for everything. You have all been so supportive and ultimately generous throughout this entire tragedy.The love and appreciation we have for the community of Wayland High is outstanding.Also , congrats to the students who received the awards in his name. The best of luck to you.
Sally Steel
a member of WHS • Jun 18, 2011 at 7:30 AM
Such a loss for all of us. Thank you Kruti and Melanie for recognizing this lovely man, and Joey for honoring these "unsung heroes." The Bob Steel award will be a high honor, valuing such laudable traits — students will strive to carry on Mr. Steel's admirable qualities, and in that way he will live on.