For almost a decade, the Monopoly board hanging on the side of the Arts Building has become an icon at WHS. Amidst the move to the new buildings, school officials and contractors are still unsure of where to place the Monopoly board in the new school.
In 2000, Wayland High School hired an artist to paint the Monopoly board on a wooden frame. The board is not an exact replica of a real Monopoly board. Instead, it displays a journey through a game that relates to students at Wayland and many other high schools.
“The Monopoly board is an outlet for reflecting on the cycle in high school. You look at it once a year to see where you are. Any high school student could look at it,” said senior Eilif Mikkelsen.
Moving the board will not be easy.
“Many people are offering to pay for the resurfacing of the board, but the money is not there,” said Mikkelsen. “Finding a place for the current Monopoly board at the new school is an arduous task, not to mention extremely expensive, so for now we are going to digitize it.”
Resurfacing will cost from three to five thousand dollars. With a digitalized form of the Monopoly board, it can be printed out on any surface in any frame.
One possible location of the new board is the wall opposite the Commons of the new school. Another proposed site for the board is the ground on the courtyard between the two buildings.
For now, where the board will end up is unknown. Though one thing is for sure: the Monopoly board will be a part of Wayland high school for many years to come.