This is the second in a three-part hipster guide designed to inform and instruct those looking for a lifestyle change or simply to become more knowledgeable about this new phenomenon. So, put a kettle of tea on the stove and read on.
At this point, your beard is probably on its way to becoming full and you have probably raided your grandma’s old clothes more than she’d like to know. You’ve made it past the first step, but you’re not out of the woods quite yet. (Though, as a hipster, you probably like being in the woods.)
Being a hipster is about more than just looking like one. You’ve got to be able to act the part too.
This post is to keep you from blowing your cover when talking to a fellow hipster. Sure, you can make up some “hipster-esque” lines when talking to your friends and parents, but the moment of truth comes when conversing with another hipster. They can tell you’re a fake the moment you mention you mostly like music from the radio.
But fear not, all hipsters generally like the same things. Here are a variety of things hipsters love to talk about and do. If acting like you only speak French doesn’t work, this list should keep you afloat while conversing with your fellow hipsters.
- Classic literature. Having read these books is not a requirement by any means, however. Just be able to say, “Yes, John Steinbeck is a genius.” Your fellow hipsters will nod wisely, and you’ll be off the hook.
- Living in the city. This does not require, however, actually living in the city. You must simply have a desire to live there.
- Getting a liberal arts degree.
- Being questionably ironic. Most things hipsters do are attempts to be ironic, from the clothes they wear to the tattoos they get. While wearing their grandmother’s old Christmas cat sweater, sometimes they think, “Do I really like this sweater? Or am I just mocking it?” The line often becomes blurred. Whether you like the sweater or not, be sure to play it off as ironic. If there is no other explanation, hipsters always approve of irony.
- Cats
- Music that you haven’t heard of. Most of the bands hipsters like are unsigned and indie. This is hard to maintain, though, because inevitably someone else in the world has heard of the same band. Here is an example of a potential problem you could face: your friend just downloaded an Animal Collective song and wants you to listen to it. Here are a few ways you could respond:
-“They’re so mainstream.” or
-“They sold out.” or
-“I liked them before they were famous.” or
-“Yeah, I’ve moved on to some much more obscure bands; there’s no way you’ve heard of them.” - Recycling
- Not washing your hair. It’s far too conventional, and by skipping the shampoo, they are getting back to nature. However, if one is wont to washing one’s hair, one must use all-natural, vegan hair products.
- Being vegan.
- Not wearing labels, and by default not labeling yourself.
- Tattoos that a normal, reasonable person would never dream of getting. For example, a slice of pizza on your upper arm, a quote from a book across your chest or a crow on your forearm.
- Social media, including but not limited to Google+, Tumblr and Twitter.
Now you’re dressed and conversing like a hipster. Only one thing is missing, and that is other hipsters. The next blog will address where and how to find hipsters, so you can put your new style and knowledge to the test.
cooper • Jan 19, 2012 at 9:49 PM
HAHAHA i was actually just making tea while reading this.
gosh you know me so well
Snarky McDonald • Jan 19, 2012 at 5:21 PM
lol you know hipsterdom has gone mainstream when wspn has an article about it…
james • Jan 18, 2012 at 9:53 AM
so you think if someone wants to be a "hipster" they should take your advice and act/pretend they are someone they aren't, for a "lifestyle change"
ieubfi3b • Jan 17, 2012 at 10:44 PM
hahhahahahhahahahh im dyingg