Love Culture, a women’s clothing store founded in 2007, is adorned in shining silver designs of their heart logo with exterior walls of glass. Inside, there are numerous fluorescent lights that dot the ceiling and cast a glaring light across the store and on the white floor. There are also hot pink accents and designs made out of mirrors all over the store.
When I walked in the door, nobody greeted me. Basically, the ambiance of Love Culture is the complete opposite of Abercrombie or Hollister, where you are immediately greeted by an enthusiastic salesperson.
Love Culture reminds me a lot of Wet Seal or Forever 21. It offers similar inexpensive merchandise and a wide variety of trendy and fashionable clothing at a low price point. Aside from clothing, Love Culture also sells hats and jewelry, and offers a large shoe section. The jewelry ranges from plastic to inexpensive metal necklaces, rings and bracelets. Many of the shoes are high heels or wedges. It is definitely more blingy and brighter than Forever 21.
The dressing rooms are plain white rooms with bright pink curtains. There are boxes on the floor in some areas where employees are unpacking new merchandise.
I have purchased a couple of shirts from Love Culture, and I would most definitely define the quality of the shirts as accurately representing the value of what you pay. The shirts are not made of high quality material, and one of the shirts I bought ripped down the side after only two wearings.
However, the clothes are cute and affordable, and the “active wear” (sweatpants, tanks, etc.) section is extensive. If you are looking for something cute for a low price or filler pieces to complete your wardrobe, Love Culture is the place to go.