We’ve all driven by Russell’s Garden Center, and if you’ve paid close attention, you may have noticed a little orange trailer situated in the front parking lot. With a closer look, you’d discover that this is the Tom’s Mac & Cheese truck.
As a huge fan of macaroni and cheese, I have eagerly been making phone calls to Russell’s since the summer to find out Tom’s hours and have continually been given the same response: “Tom comes and goes as he pleases.”
Just this past weekend, I visited Tom’s Mac & Cheese truck, and an outgoing middle aged man greeted me and made small talk as I waited for my homemade mac and cheese — it was Tom!
Tom uses imported Italian pasta for his macaroni and imported Romano, Parmesan and Vermont cheddar cheese in his sauce. The macaroni and cheese is sold for $7.00 a serving and handed to the customer in a take out box.
Tom presented me with a steaming container of cheesy goodness topped with a plentiful amount of fresh grated romano cheese. I was planning on taking it to go, but I couldn’t help taking several bites as soon as I got in the car.
The sauce was light, creamy and cheesy, and the pasta was cooked to perfection. The imported cheeses in the sauce gave the macaroni and cheese an additional layer of flavor that I enjoyed, and the serving size was generous.
In the summer, Tom offers fresh squeezed lemonade with his mac and cheese, and he is currently offering coffee for $2.00 and Yoo-Hoo’s for $1.00.
If you can catch Tom while he’s open, be sure to grab some homemade mac and cheese made by Tom himself.
Jeremy • Nov 16, 2016 at 11:47 AM
Anyone know a number or contact info for Toms Mac and Cheese? I want to schedule him for an event. Thanks!