Police present at basketball game as Wayland-Weston rivalry heats up
Police officers were present at Friday night's Wayland versus Weston basketball game at Weston High School in response to the escalated Wayland-Weston rivalry shown on Facebook and at Wednesday night’s Wayland versus Weston hockey game. “Some of my guys who were at the hockey game heard people saying, ‘We’ll get you on Friday,’” Weston Chief of Police Steven Shaw said.
February 3, 2013
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Every Wayland High School student knows about the famous Wayland-Weston rivalry. Weston High School is considered to be Wayland’s greatest rival in athletics, and the annual Wayland-Weston Turkey Day game attracts many viewers from both schools. However, this past week, the friendly rivalry escalated to new heights, which were considered severe enough to involve local law enforcement and segregate the two student bodies during Friday night’s Wayland versus Weston basketball game at Weston High School.
Reports of intensified taunting and threats at Wednesday night’s Wayland versus Weston hockey game were one of the factors influencing the Wayland and Weston administrations’ decision to include a stronger police presence at Friday’s basketball game.
“Some of my guys who were at the hockey game heard people saying, ‘We’ll get you on Friday,’” Weston Chief of Police Steven Shaw said.
Some spectators at Wednesday’s hockey game did not see this sort of conduct.
“I didn’t see any of the inappropriateness people were claiming,” said Hipolito Rivera, the Wayland Middle School boys’ basketball coach.
“We [Dr. Tutwiler and I] thought that extra security might make sense and to not give anyone the opportunity to do anything,” Weston High School Principal Anthony Parker said.
However, some members of the Wayland and Weston communities did not think that the increase in local police involvement was necessary.
“I think that the students could have handled it themselves because of their parents’ participation. We don’t allow our children to step out like that. If there were threats like that, we would have handled the children. It’s okay to have police protection but not as much as you have tonight,” said Ruby Williams, the grandmother of Wayland basketball player Robert Williams.
The aggressive taunting between students on a Wayland versus Weston basketball game Facebook event also contributed to the decision to have Wayland and Weston students enter and exit the court through different doors for Friday’s game.
“I saw how people on Facebook were being vicious to each other. I thought it was unnecessary. Based on what I saw on Facebook, [extra law enforcement] was necessary,” Weston student Rachel Garwick said.
“It’s really easy when someone gets agitated,” Rivera said. “A call goes the wrong way, someone takes something the wrong way, and things could easily escalate. A simple conversation could get blown out of proportion.”
Police officers were also guarding the area in between the student spectator bleachers to prevent any students from going to the other school’s stands. This security presence enforced Wayland Athletic Director Justice Smith’s request for Wayland students to not speak with Weston students.
“It’s not going to stop us from doing what we want to do at the end of the day,” Wayland senior Stephen Powell said.
Others thought that Smith’s request was too extreme.
“It’s not like every Wayland student is a bad student, or every Weston student is a bad student. We can be friends,” said Garwick.
“These guys are all going to be playing with each other in college next year, so it might be a little silly,” Weston parent Bob Goulart said.
Both Wayland and Weston High School administrations agreed that it was time to remind students of appropriate spectator behavior.
“We thought it was time to reestablish our core values, who we are, and to remind folks about how we behave. Being at a basketball game is like being at school. You don’t have to swear, you don’t have to be derogatory, you don’t have to be demeaning [and] you don’t have to be obscene or vulgar,” Parker said.
Before Friday’s basketball game, Wayland students received an email from Smith that included the DCL spectator expectations.
“The only thing we can do is make sure we have a safe environment for all of our spectators and our fans,” Smith said.
Will the precautions taken on Friday’s game become a regular routine for spectators?
“That’s to be determined,” Parker said.
Wildcat Tamer • Feb 13, 2020 at 5:23 PM
Once upon a time, not so long ago when Wayland vs. Weston sporting events happened and one side lost they might have had someone shout out to the other fan base or team “We’ll get you on Friday”….knowing that another rival team sporting event was happening on Friday – AND BELIEVE IT OR NOT what they meant by that was ‘Our school will beat your school on Friday’.
What it DID NOT mean: ‘We are going to act like “Antifa”, show up in black face masks, call you racial slurs and beat you with bats & flag polls whilst spraying you with pepper spray’.
The fact that the Weston Chief of Police heard from someone that someone said “We’ll get you on Friday” and thought ‘hmmm….better call in the National Guard for this one’ let’s me know a whole bunch about the state of Weston Policing and the Massachusetts Metro-West brand of snowflakery that is in full blossom.
I grew up in Wayland back in the 60’s-70’s & 80’s and there was always healthy competition and rivalry and that almost ALWAYS included first amendment audibles like “We’ll CRUSH you next time”, “You guys don’t stand a chance on Tuesday night’, ‘You SUCK!’….but did we CRUSH them…did they suck? No, well sometimes they did but that is beside the point.
We knew kids from Weston, sometimes we’d hang out at the Natick Mall, dated those across town lines, partied with them from time to time, laced ’em up and ran-some-rock at the outdoor courts with them, played against them in ‘summer league’ and teamed up with some at the Natick Sports Club pick-up games.
So if for some reason your Barney Fife spidey-senses are tingling over something you heard whilst playing a game of ‘telephone’ and you think there might be some shenanigans going down, sure, have one of the boys-in-blue stand at door with a metal detector wand and/or announce over the PA system prior to the playing of the National Anthem (assuming of course the virus of extreme woke-ness hasn’t sucked national pride and honor out of these public school systems) and the start of the sport contest with something like “there will be NO SHENANIGANS’ by either side, student or adult and if their is anything other than good sportsmanship and good fandom-ship then you will be escorted to the clink for the night for disturbing the peace or assault and battery or something like that…oh, by-the-way (BTW, for the woke), “we’ll have it all on camera so good luck trying to talk your way outta’ that”.