You know Valentine’s Day is close when Candy-Grams are being advertised and sold in the Commons. The week before February vacation has arrived – infamous for the selling of Candy-Grams, and with it the opportunity to send a note to that special someone. However, due to Massachusetts nutrition guidelines, there have been many changes to this years Candy-Grams, including a new name, “Cupid Cards.”
Instead of the standard note and candy, Cupid Cards are offered in three different varieties: winks, hugs and kisses. A $1.00 wink consists of a paper heart, a $3.00 hug has a heart and a pack of gum and the $7.00 kiss comes with a heart, gum and a rose. All assortments are sold at the Orange and Black Shack.
A small group of students taking EBM came up with an alternative to the classic candy and card during one of their class brainstorms.
“I liked the old way, but theres no way to get it back. This is a nice alternative, especially with the roses,” Melissa Kay said, Vice-President of the Class of 2014.
Brian Murtagh, an member of the School Store Operations class, sees the changes as an improvement to the old ways.
“We’ve sort of taken it in a different direction. It’s always been candy with a note, and we sort of evolved it,” Murtagh said. “I think it sort of takes it to another level, and I think people like it. It’s definitely a big hit.”
Murtagh also praised the students for creating a product that follows the new food laws and can become a new WHS tradition.
“I think this is definitely something that, hopefully, the school store class can patent and use as a big marketing campaign,” Murtagh said.