On these days, there will be no classes held during fourth block. Instead, students will report to their advisory groups, where they will spend the block participating in activities with their group.
During these lunches, students will be asked to share deep secrets and personal information with each other.
Many Wayland High School advisory leaders feel as though this change will help the students in each advisory group to get to know each other better, form a stronger bond and become closer to one another.
“We feel as though the students in each advisory don’t know each other well enough, which isn’t what we want. The goal of advisory is for kids to get to know people they wouldn’t normally talk to. To do this, we want advisory to meet for longer periods of time,” advisory leader Kathleen Thompson said.
But some Wayland High School students are opposed to the new schedule.
“How can they do this to us? I will do anything to not go to these lunches,” freshman Joshua Lee said.
Instead of meeting with their advisory groups after second block as they normally would on Tuesdays, students and faculty members will follow a normal bell one schedule.
For 30 minutes of the advisory lunch block, students will be eating lunch with their advisory group in the classroom they typically meet in for advisory.
Advisory leaders who have a last name that begins with a letter between A and I will be taking first lunch with their advisories. Advisory leaders with a last name that begins with a letter between J and Q will be taking second lunch. If your advisory leader’s last name begins with a letter between R and Z, you will be taking third lunch.
Free Luncher • Apr 1, 2013 at 11:10 AM
Gewd One.