The account is an anonymously run page titled “Whs Compliments,” created by a student for WHS students to send compliments to each other anonymously.
The page was first created last December, but it didn’t become very active until the 2013-2014 school year. Whs Compliments hoped the page would become as popular as those that she had seen for other schools, but when few people were using it last winter, the admin became worried.
“After last year, when not many people sent things in, I didn’t think it was really going to take off,” Whs Compliments said.
The admin was inspired by pages similar to hers that were popular at other high schools and colleges. She created the account so people could recognize their friends or compliment people that they were too shy to in person.
“I hoped that this page would bring happiness to a lot of people and that it would give recognition to people who normally aren’t recognized. It’s also a way for people to compliment people they don’t necessarily know very well,” the admin said. “What I like about it is that it makes both the person who sends in the compliment and the person who gets the compliment feel good.”
Although the admin loves posting almost all of the compliments she receives, she has a couple favorites. One of those was for senior Anna Lifland; “Banana Splitland has the body of a goddess. And she’s absolutely brilliant. And her dark sarcastic humor always makes my day. Keep on doin’ you Anna, you rock. Pretty much you are Hermione Granger.”
“The best compliments are specific, creative and funny, and they go to people who really deserve them,” the admin said.
Another favorite was one accidentally posted on the timeline of Whs Compliments, instead of being messaged to the admin so that it could be published anonymously.
The admin has fun posting the creative and entertaining compliments she receives, but she does have to do some filtering. Not everything that is sent can be posted, such as over the top inside jokes. The struggle lies in deciding if someone is being serious when they send really ridiculous compliments.
“If they are genuine, I definitely don’t want to refrain from posting them,” Whs Compliments said.
Whs Compliments hopes that the page will continue after she graduates, and she is considering passing it on to a younger student when the time comes.
Many students are curious about the admin’s identity, but she wants to keep it secret.
“I honestly feel like I am getting way more credit than I deserve because the people that are really doing the good stuff here are the people who send in compliments,” she said.
The admin has also found it hard to keep her identity hidden. Her friends often question who it is or simply wonder out loud who is behind the page.
“I want to stay anonymous for the same reason that the compliments are posted anonymously: to keep the focus on the person being complimented. I think it adds to a nice thing when you know people aren’t doing it to get credit for it.”
the truth • Oct 27, 2013 at 9:27 PM