Wellness teacher Adam Hughes encourages Good Mood Friday

Credit: Gage Fuller
Pictured above is freshman Elliot Trounson. Trounson supports Good Mood Friday, an event created by wellness teacher Adam Hughes. “Good Mood Friday is a great way to promote school spirit. I’m a joyful person, and people should try and be more enthusiastic about their week,” Trounson said.
December 17, 2015
On multiple past Fridays this year, students have participated in an event called “Good Mood Friday.” The trend was created by Wayland High School wellness teacher Adam Hughes.
“Good Mood Friday is a way to promote school spirit, help everybody be in a good mood and make the school a brighter and better place,” Hughes said.
Hughes was motivated to start Good Mood Friday due to the number of kids that he saw walking around the halls that didn’t look happy. He tried to think of a way to cheer kids up and came up with the idea of Good Mood Friday.
Every few Fridays, Hughes encourages students of all grades to wear bright colored clothing and smiles on their faces to school. He states that colorful clothing can lighten everyone’s mood.
“I think it would be hard to find someone that could look at a bright color and not be happy,” Hughes said. “So that’s kind of the idea behind it, to promote a good school atmosphere and help people to be in a good mood.”
According to Hughes, he hopes that one Friday in the future everyone in the school comes in wearing a smile on their face and some sort of neon color clothing that makes those smiles even wider. He knows that this hope is far-fetched, but for Hughes, it would be ideal.
Freshman Jake Sachs believes Good Mood Friday needs to be publicized more because not enough people know about the event.
“During class meetings or on the loudspeaker they should announce what is going on with Good Mood Friday,” Sachs said. “I think that if everyone heard more information, then more people would participate.”
Hughes also extends the invitation of Good Mood Friday to the Wayland High teachers and staff. Hughes believes that they are just as much a part of school spirit as the students are.
“I just want to get as many people as possible to participate and be on board with it, from teachers and staff to students,” Hughes said. “We just try to get as many people as we can, every Friday we can, from now until the end of the school year.”
Freshman Elliot Trounson is a supporter of Good Mood Friday and considers it a great idea for advocating school spirit.
“Good Mood Friday is a great way to promote school spirit. I’m a joyful person, and people should try and be more enthusiastic about their week,” Trounson said.
Like Trounson, Hughes shares that he has been a positive person from childhood. He explains that no matter the situation, he loves what he does and loves being at Wayland High School. He finds joy in seeing other people happy, and he strives to make the rest of the world happy with him.
“I want to do everything I can to put the people around me in a good mood and in a positive state of mind,” Hughes said. “It’s just kind of the way I’ve always been.”