Athlete of the Week: Kirsten Grazewski

Credit: Courtesy of Kirsten Grazewski
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November 30, 2016
Name: Kirsten Grazewski
Grade: Senior
Sport: Lacrosse
Achievements: Grazewski is an all-star athlete at WHS. Grazewski made the varsity lacrosse team as a freshman and has started ever since. Grazewski won DCL all-star her freshman and junior year. For her sophomore year, Grazewski was out due to injury. Grazewski will be captain for the upcoming lacrosse season. Along with lacrosse, Grazewski is a 3 season athlete, and has won many awards such as being DCL champions in her freshman year of swimming, along with being state champs for swimming freshman year.
Sports Idol: Grazewski’s sports idol is Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady. Grazewski loves the story of Brady. Grazewski admires how Brady didn’t start, and then he worked super hard. After working hard and getting his chance, he has become the best. “I feel like he is always on top of his game, he’s never really off”
Favorite Memory: Grazewski’s favorite memory tracks back to her freshman year of lacrosse. As a freshman, Grazewski and the varsity squad came together to win the East Sectional Final. Grazewski got to play with her sister’s best friend, which gave her a lot more momentum to win. “I feel like that game we really peaked together, we were all assisting each other the whole game, it was super fun!” Grazewski had 7 goals in that game.
Quote: “Somewhere behind the athlete you’ve become and the hours of practices and the coaches who have pushed… is a little girl who fell in love with the game and never looked back… Play for her”