Emma Goes Clubbing: Crafts for a Cause
In the latest installment of “Emma Goes Clubbing,” guest writer Emma Marton takes a look at the World Culture Club.
May 16, 2018
The anticipation leading up to my first meeting at this club had been building for months, since the club is relatively new. The idea is to learn how to sew, specifically using a sewing machine, and all the proceeds go to a good place. The club has been making surgical caps for the children’s hospital, making different items for the homeless and different homeless organizations and other similar programs.
There was some set-up work to this club that I wasn’t expecting; we needed to bring in the sewing machines and set them up, put out the fabric, get the pins and anything else we would need. I was a bit anxious since I had never used a sewing machine, but when Ms. Davis, one of the advisers, asked if any of us had experience sewing, I found out I wasn’t not alone. Eventually, we were looking at the fabrics, which I found incredibly soothing after such a long day. I found out that we were making tote bags.

Ms. Davis explained how making the bag was going to work; she showed all of us how we should trace squares at the bottom, then how we’d sew along the edges. She explained it further, but I didn’t understand the words yet. I, being the very hands-on person I am, learn best by doing, so I was eager to get started. Ms. Davis was very patient, and she showed me the main features of the machine, but suddenly I was on my own, sliding the cloth down the pulsing needle. It was creating a neat row of stitches, finer and more precise than my hands could ever create. It was also far faster–in a matter of seconds, I was done with the row. I called for some help, not sure what to do after finishing the row. Madame Lange came over and showed me.
I finished the first step, so I got up and let someone else use the sewing machine. We only had two, something that the advisers hope to fix in the future. As I started on the next steps of the bag, I took a look around–I’d been so wrapped up in my own project that I didn’t really get a chance to see what others were doing. The girl who took over my machine was slowly letting the fabric go through, and she looked like she knew what she was doing. However, the machine broke slightly–I still don’t fully understand what the problem with it was–and Madame Lange went to fix it.

I was taking a few photos when Ms. Davis, upon seeing my bag, asked me if I ironed the corners. It startled me, and I said yes, just a bit too confidently. “That was the wrong answer, wasn’t it?” I asked. She shook her head at me, and we laughed as she showed me what I’d forgotten to do. As I continued to work on the bag, I heard Ms. Hanks talking about teaching knitting in the future, and I got excited at the prospect of that as well. We were also talking about where our proceeds could go. “We could send it off to REACH,” Ms. Hanks suggested. REACH is a program that relocates victims of domestic violence to a safe space.

Once I finished with my bag, I turned it inside out and appreciated the nearly finished product. There was a sense of pride I got looking at it. I hadn’t attached any handles yet, and it was a bit wrinkled in places, but it was mine.
I definitely recommend checking this club out. Everything you make is for a good cause. I also believe it’s a worthwhile club because the activities aren’t as popular anymore; as Ms. Davis said, “it’s a dying art form.” It’s definitely best for those who have an interest in working with their hands, but I recommend checking it out at least once to those who have thought “I wish there was a home ec class here” or “I wish I could make something myself,” or even if you just have a more natural affinity toward working with your hands. It’s fun, low commitment, and the advisors are quick to show you how to sew if you’re like me and have never used sewing machines before. And if you have, you can get even better!
See you next time,
PS: I haven’t actually made a page for this club yet as it is a new club, but there will be a new page for it soon! In the meantime, check out my website for all the cool clubs you can visit. Here’s the link: https://emmailonamarton.wixsite.com/whsclubs
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