WHS to showcase students pieces in annual art show
Senior Gabby Fargnoli’s piece of a bee extracting pollen from a flower. Fargnoli is one of the artists who will be featured in the annual WHS art show on Monday, Dec. 17. “I’ve always been creative, and art is a way I like to express my creativity,” Fargnoli said.
December 17, 2018
WHS will hold the annual art show to showcase students’ work on Dec. 17. The show will begin at 6:30 p.m. and run through 8:30 p.m. in the commons. The exhibition will showcase many pieces of art to the community, works the students have been working on throughout the fall semester.
Art teachers Veronique Latimer and Amy O’Connell both try to showcase all of their classes. There will be work from Art 1, Art 2, Honors Art 3, Honors Art 4, AP Studio Art, Painting, Metals and Photography.
There will be a variety of art presented at the show, each presenting a unique aspect to the audience.
“It’s really fun to see a student’s voice in their work. I think the challenge is how to take an assignment that has been chosen to foster learning certain skills and to create something uniquely yours within those parameters,” Latimer said. “Students develop their own style and it is always fun to see how different students will choose to tackle the same visual/design problem.”
Senior Gabby Fargnoli is one of the students whose work will be featured during the upcoming show.
“I’ve been doing art since I was little,” Fargnoli said. “I’ve always been creative, and art is a way I like to express my creativity.”
Fargnoli takes three different art classes at WHS: Honors Art 4, Honors Art 3 and Painting. She plans to take advanced drawing next semester.
Four of Fargnoli’s pieces will be displayed on Monday.
“It’s really interesting to see what individual people are doing, [since] the classes are doing the same thing but everyone has their own individual takes on it,” Fargnoli said.
Senior Alexa Calder, another artist that will be featured in the show, has been interested in art ever since she was little.
“I’ve always loved to draw and paint and create in general,” Calder said. “I think my mom was an inspiration [for me] because she was always really good at art and would draw things for me when I was little.”
Calder had been a part of the arts program at WHS for all four years of her high school career. Last year, Calder participated in an independent study where she worked on silk screening.
Two of Calder’s pieces will be presented in the art show.
“The first one is a pencil drawing of me running and the second is of a patterned dress,” Calder said. “The art show is a lot of fun, and it’s good to come and support the students [and see] the hard work they put in to make their pieces.”
Latimer believes students have worked hard over the fall semester and have put a lot of time and energy into their artwork.
“There is no special theme for the show, other than a celebration of all the hard work that has been put into making these pieces over the fall semester,” Latimer said.