Getting Involved: Clubs at WHS

Credit: Isabella Arenas

WHS’ Power Club educated students during Black History Month. In addition to Power, there are many clubs at WHS to get involved in. “Community service is a lot of fun and fundraising for a good cause is also really good,” junior Rohini Ramesh said.

Jessica Reilly

In addition to sports and arts, WHS offers a wide variety of clubs that provide all students an opportunity to get involved and find their niche. While some clubs are commonly known among students, others can be less well-known but equally as interesting.

Power Club

Junior Fatma Sayeh is the co-president of Wayland’s Power Club. The club meets each H day and has approximately ten members.

“I joined [Power] this year because I found that I tend to be a civically engaged person and I value discussing and understanding social injustice,” Sayeh said. “I think it’s extremely important to bring awareness to our high school about things that are happening outside the school in society.”

The Power Club strives to educate the student body about current events outside of the school in hopes of creating a more civically involved community.

“By bringing up touchy subjects and having [students] discuss, it offers an opening to communication within classmates,” Sayeh said.

The club is open to new members who want to help educate and involve fellow students.

“I think that if you find yourself to love history and to love current events and to want to make a positive impact in our school and our world, and you value those things, then I think that the club is a perfect fit for you,” Sayeh said.

Akshaya Patra Club and Rotary Club

Striving to better the community, junior Rohini Ramesh runs two community service clubs, the Akshaya Patra Club and the Rotary Club. The Rotary club is dedicated to facilitating community service among its members.

“The Rotary Club [was] started because me and four other students all won a rotary award, so we wanted to continue,” Ramesh said. “It’s a community service club, so we just wanted to help the community.”

Community service is strongly encouraged in Wayland as they are required for senior privileges and National Honor Society, while also being beneficial to college applications. The Rotary Club students help meet their community service goals.

“The objective of the rotary clubs is community service so that kids can get their hours,” Ramesh said.

The Akshaya Patra Club, while community service based as well, has an objective to help children overseas.

“I started Akshaya Patra because it’s for kids in India, and I’m Indian, so I wanted to help them,” Ramesh said. “The objective of the Akshaya Patra club is to raise money for kids in India so that they can get food every day.”

Move Club

Separate from community service, the Move Club has an interesting focus on tricking. Tricking incorporates gymnastic moves into the unique sport. The group impressed many students in this year’s Winter Week’s talent show. Senior Alex Kwan is one of about ten members in the Move Club.

“[Senior] Keefer [Li] was the mastermind behind it our sophomore year,” Kwan said. “He started it because he wanted to bring awareness to tricking and the sport.”

Tricking requires a lot of hard work, practice and athleticism. The Move Club meets often after school, and members even work on their skills off campus.

“We meet anywhere outside, usually on the turf, but since it was winter we didn’t go outside a lot,” Kwan said. “But we went to a gymnastics gym at night a few times.”

The Move Club works to both learn new tricks and introduce other students to their sport. Clubs like these at WHS offer a wide range of interests and activities, and getting involved in a club is a great way to enhance your high school experience.