Chat with Cat: Silence
Credit: Owen Smith
In the latest installment of “Chat with Cat,” editor Caterina Tomassini explores social deficiencies and their implications for current and upcoming generations.
November 13, 2019
Silence is awkward. It’s uncomfortable. It drags on five times as long as it actually lasts, and our generation is terrified of it.
We live in a world that is connected at any given moment at all times of the day, but we’ve never been more disconnected from each other. Each and every one of us holds an outlet to a world full of both precious information and deadly distractions, and we just can’t seem to peel ourselves away.
Why? Because we are afraid of silence.
Our devices are an escape mechanism: what do we do when we’re bored? We fill our minds with endless posts, photos, and comments rather than embrace such a beautiful moment in which we could be exploring our thoughts, learning more about ourselves and more importantly, about others. How will we ever live in a world in which we know nothing about the people surrounding us?
Simply put, we lack social interactions. Our minds are crying, begging us to nurture them: why don’t we read books? We’re so quick to watch meaningless YouTube videos, yet we hesitate to dive into books full of inquisitive ideas. Why do we refuse to make conversation with the people sitting across from us? Apparently, we prioritize checking social media for the fifth time that hour over hearing about our friend’s weekend plans.
We must be careful because before we know it, our generation—and all of the ones following it—will be incapable of human interaction. This is a pressing issue, but we’re too busy checking our emails during dinner to notice it. We have fallen into a deep, dark hole from which we must escape. If we don’t, we’ll have grown old, wondering why we never went on that trip, befriended that girl or completed that project.
Please, somebody, let me know why we’re so attached to technology, yet so detached from our world. Why do we use our phones to pretend we’re busy when we’re sitting alone? Why do we spend our Saturdays watching Netflix instead of hanging out with friends? Why is it so important that we capture the perfect photo of our trip to Bora Bora when the moment is passing right in front of our eyes? Our generation fails to take in the moment, to make meaningful relationships and to enjoy life without distractions.
If we continue this way, what will we have to look back on?
Opinion articles written by staff members represent their personal views. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent WSPN as a publication.