News Brief: WHS TEDx 2020 Looking For Speakers/Volunteers

Credit: Meredith Prince
November 20, 2019
The Wayland TEDxYouth@Wayland Core Team (Aydan McGah, Fatma Sayeh, Charlotte Salistky, Charlie Moore, David Lathan, Emmie O’Shaughnessy and Ben Chen) announced that the program will be hosting a TEDxYouth@Wayland event at Wayland High School in May 2020. During the 2015 and 2016 school years, Wayland student organizers brought TEDxYouth@Wayland to Wayland, they are bringing it back for 2020.
TEDx is an event where students are given the opportunity to share their “idea worth spreading”. Student organizers are looking for WHS students who are interested in sharing an idea, story or experience that they feel is worth spreading to the community. If you are interested in speaking on the TEDx stage, the team will be holding tryouts in mid-December. If you are interested in trying out, email [email protected]. For the tryout, the team stated that you do not need to present an entire speech, just come have a conversation with them about your idea.
They are also looking for artists to perform between speeches. If you are interested in performing music or a poem during the event, reach out to [email protected]. Each performance can be a solo act, or in a group setting.
Finally, the student organizers are looking for crew members and volunteers to help put on the event. Please email emily_o’[email protected] if you are interested in being a part of the TEDxYouth@Wayland crew. Students will receive community service hours for being a part of the crew.