BREAKING NEWS: WHS confirms first positive case of COVID-19

Credit: Pixabay user geralt
WHS has identified its first positive case of COVID-19. “We appreciate your partnership in continuing our vigilant practice of safety protocols including completing the daily health screener, adhering to appropriate physical distance, wearing masks and practicing good hand hygiene,” Superintendent Arthur Unobskey said in an email to WHS families.
October 28, 2020
On Tuesday, Oct. 27, WHS families received an email from WPS Superintendent Arthur Unobskey informing them that someone at WHS had tested positive for COVID-19.
Through the process of contact tracing, WHS has been able to identify the people who came in close contact with the person who has Coronavirus. The Wayland Public Schools’ procedure after a student or faculty member has tested positive can be found here.
As stated in Wayland Public Schools’ procedure guide, someone in close contact “[was] within 6 feet of an infected individual for a period of greater than 15 minutes from 2 days before illness onset, or within 2 days of a positive COVID-19 test (in people without symptoms).”
Students or faculty who did come in close contact with the person who is infected have been notified, and they must now quarantine for 14 days, and it’s recommended that they get a COVID-19 test.
For students an faculty that did not receive any sort of notification, no further steps need to be taken, and Cohort B will attend school as normal on Thursday, Oct. 29.
“Because the Health Department’s contact investigation process has yielded a limited number of close contacts, we will not need to alter our school schedule,” Unobskey said. “We will continue with in-person schooling for Cohort B on Thursday.”