MOTS: Student reactions to hybrid lunch
Credit: WSPN Staff
Reporters Sidney O’Rourke and Rebeca Kamens-Gil ask students their opinions on lunch during the hybrid model of school.
November 4, 2020
Now that most WHS students have experienced the hybrid model, they can form their opinions on a highly discussed topic: lunch. Students can choose to have lunch indoors at the commons or the field house, or outdoors as long as the weather permits. With strict social-distancing guidelines in place, students try to balance staying safe and socializing with friends as a much needed social break from class.
Lilly O’Driscoll (freshman)
What are your overall opinions on lunch during hybrid?
“I really enjoy hybrid and seeing all my friends, especially during lunch where I don’t get to sit with my close friend group everyday I get to sit with new people.”
Do you prefer to have lunch inside or outside?
“Outside when it’s nice out.”
How do you think lunch is going to change as the weather gets colder?
“I think it will be a little bit more crowded inside, but I think some people will still sit outside if they have coats on.”
Mia Mee (freshman)
What are your overall opinions on lunch during hybrid?
“I think that it’s fun with different grades because you can get to branch out to everyone whereas in middle school your it was just your own grade. I also think it’s fun because you get to see different people, not necessarily just your own friends, which makes it easier to branch out since it’s high school.”
Do you prefer to have lunch inside or outside?
“Easily, outside because I feel like it’s a lot safer as well with [the coronavirus] and everything, and I think it’s just nicer.”
How do you think lunch is going to change as the weather gets colder?
“I definitely think people are probably going to be eating lunch in other places besides the cafeteria if there’s any other options. I mean outside with coats on or maybe they’ll do something like put up desks in the field house, I don’t know.”
Alex Dicarlo (sophomore)
What was the process of getting your lunch like?
“It was really fast and easy.”
How does it feel to eat lunch under these circumstances?
“I think it’s fine. The tables should not be limited to [only] two to three people though.”
What changes could be made to improve the experience?
“[I would like] shorter lunches so we get out earlier.”
Katie Schouten (sophomore)
What was the process of getting your lunch like?
“It was pretty quick. I think it’s efficient that they have the table and I like that [the lunches] are all separately packaged but I had some milk spill out of my [paper] bag.”
How does it feel to eat lunch under these circumstances?
“It’s not as fun because I don’t get to talk to all my friends.”
What changes could be made to improve the experience?
“I want to have more groups of tables and less of MCAS testing [setup].”
Saby Singh (junior)
What was the process of getting your lunch like?
“I came pretty late so I had to ask [an assistant teacher] if I could still get lunch and then I signaled one of the [lunch] ladies, they came over, and then they gave me it.”
How does it feel to eat lunch under these circumstances?
“It’s a little bit weird. Everybody’s outside, not really social distancing, but I guess that’s expected.”
What changes could be made to improve the experience?
“Well the lunch itself: I don’t really like it. It’s a little bit basic and plain. It’s mashed potatoes, chicken nuggets and peas, which I don’t know, that doesn’t really sound good to me. I guess make the food a little better, but at the same time I feel bad for the lunch ladies because they probably have some tough conditions.”
Rana Karak (junior)
What was the process of getting your lunch like?
“I preordered on the menu [website]. It was good.”
How does it feel to eat lunch under these circumstances?
“It’s actually [pretty] good. I mean, you have [to stay] six feet apart from your friends. I sat in the commons.”
What changes could be made to improve the experience?
“I think this is the best way in [these] conditions because we have to stay away from each other, especially because we are removing our masks.”
Mira Mills (senior)
What are your overall opinions on lunch during hybrid?
“It’s fine. It’s definitely weird, like it’s a lot different. It’s kinda hard to talk to your friends.”
Do you prefer to sit inside or outside?
How do you think lunch is going to change as the weather gets colder?
“People are going to come inside, but then probably stay outside.”
Alina Potashinsky (senior)
What are your overall opinions on lunch during hybrid?
“I think they’re good, you know, they’re about the [same] as school lunch normally. It’s nice not to have to pack my own [lunch] in the morning.”
Do you prefer to have lunch inside or outside?
“When it’s cold probably inside, but when it’s nice out I like to sit outside.”
How do you think lunch is going to change as the weather gets colder?
“Well, probably more people are going to be sitting inside.”