WHS e-boards fight struggles to support their class
Credit: Genevieve Morrison
The sophomore class is holding a tie-dye sweatshirt fundraiser to raise money for the sophomore semi-formal in the fall. WHS e-boards are currently working to raise funds for future events, even during uncertain times with COVID-19. “We have sold sweatpants, masks, tie-dye sweatshirts, and we are currently holding an NFL playoffs predictions contest.” sophomore Madeline O’Leary said.
January 27, 2021
This year, Wayland High School’s four executive boards have been faced with challenges due to COVID-19. The e-boards have had to postpone events multiple times that have brought each grade closer together in the past. However, each grade’s e-board are working together to create fundraisers to host events in the future.
Each grade’s e-board comprises its president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and multiple board members. From freshman to senior year, the e-board’s job is to organize fundraisers to pay for school dances, trips and events.
The coronavirus postponed last year’s junior prom. According to Sam Goldstone, the senior class e-board president, there is hope to have a prom-like event this year.
“It could be on the turf in the spring, and there may be a day where all seniors wear their prom dresses and suits to school at the end of the year,” Goldstone said.
The majority of money that supports the senior class to run events comes from the concession stands at football games. However, this was not possible since the football season was rescheduled to the spring.
“Since the football season didn’t happen in the fall and will look very different in the spring, we’re not sure if it’ll make much money, let alone if we’re going to be able to sell concessions at all,” Goldstone said.
Moving on through the grades, the junior e-board has found success with fundraising events even with the pandemic restrictions. According to junior Ben Chen, a member of the his class’s e-board, the group has been able to find a couple of contactless fundraising ideas that have worked well. The group has done both a cookie dough and Christmas tree pick-up fundraisers.
“I think this year we’ve been able to keep up the previous years in terms of fundraising since we had a successful fundraiser already and are about to carry out another big fundraiser,” Chen said.
Furthermore, the junior class is still hoping to hold the annual junior prom, since it has not been officially canceled.
“We’re still clinging onto a hope that we can have prom, no matter how slim the chances are,” Chen said. “In case prom is canceled for this year, we’ll be able to hold it next year when we’re seniors.”
Another group showing success through fundraisers this year is the sophomore e-board. President Prash Subbiah and his team have been holding meetings almost every week through Zoom. The group has been able to execute numerous fundraisers this year despite COVID-19 restrictions and has raised nearly the same amount as last year.
“We have raised over $5,500 since freshman year, with most of that coming from after March,” Subbiah said.
Even with all of the success, there are still COVID-19 restrictions scrapping multiple fundraising ideas the team had planned since last year. One of the main events the team raises funds for is the sophomore semi-formal. The event, which was planned to take place this past October, is now postponed to take place at Wedgewood Pines Country Club on Oct. 22, 2021.
“We are keeping our fingers crossed that COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted by the fall of next year,” Subbiah said. “Even if the vaccine rollout is quick enough to enable the event to take place at the beginning of our junior year, having semi delayed could create a knock-on effect on the date of prom to avoid having two dances in one year.”
Sophomore vice president Madeline O’Leary is proud of what the team has accomplished this year. The group has sold sweatpants, masks, tie-dye sweatshirts and is currently holding an NFL playoff prediction contest.
“We’re hoping to hold a good amount of additional fundraisers before the year concludes,” O’Leary said. “We are grateful to be able to meet over Zoom and for all of the e-board members contributing creative ideas!”
Lastly, the freshman class president Tanas Kazlas and his e-board members are working on starting fundraising for events that come later in their high school careers. The freshman e-board decided to hold fundraisers this year to benefit their grade and help out in the community.
“The board is working on giving back to our community in addition to fundraising by planning a class food drive at WHS to help those in need during the pandemic,” Kazlas said.
Each grade’s e-board has worked hard this year and is hoping to continue that success. Hopefully, events that have been postponed will be able to happen.
“I think everyone on e-board has shown how dedicated they are to giving our class a great high school experience, and the same goes for all grades’ boards too,” Chen said.