Ten Things to Know About the 2021-22 WHS School Year

Credit: Garrett Spooner

Here is a list of the top ten things Wayland High School students need to know going into the 2021-2022 school year.

With the new school year fast approaching, it’s only natural that many students, parents and faculty would be curious about what this year is going to look like. That being said, here are the top 10 things to know about this school year:

1, Scheduling:

Class length and schedule will follow that of the 2019-2020 school year and all previous school years. There will be 54 minute long classes, six classes a day and two classes which students won’t meet with.

However, Wednesday, Sept. 1, the first day of classes, students will attend all eight of their periods following a special schedule. Thursday, Sept. 2 will be an A Day, Sept. 3 will be a B Day, and when students return back to school on Wednesday, Sept. 8, it will be a C Day.

Below is the bell schedule that WHS Principal Allyson Mizoguchi attached in her letter to families on Saturday, Aug. 21.

2, Water Situation:

Last year, the chemical PFAS restricted WHS’ use of water. For the time being students and staff at WHS will still not be able to use the school’s water fountains this year. Students should plan on bringing water bottles; however, there will be some plastic water bottles available.

3, Masks:

Like last year, all WHS students and staff must wear masks indoors and on school-provided transportation, regardless of vaccination status. Outdoors, however, masks are not required.

4, Upperclassmen Privileges:

This year, juniors and seniors are allowed to leave campus as long as they fill out the proper Open Campus Privilege form, which asks for the student’s name, year of graduation and student ID number, and have parent/guardian permission.

Ninth and tenth grade students will not be able to leave for any reason unless they are dismissed by their guardian.

5, Lunch:

Once again, this year the school board approved universal free lunch as well as breakfast snacks for all students this year. However, students will still need to maintain three feet of distance between each other during lunch.

6, Buses:

Buses will run for all students, including Boston residents. For students that live closer than two miles from their school, there is an extra fee: $400 per student or a $1,150.50 cap per family. For students that live farther than two miles from their school, the town will cover transportation costs.

7, Sophomore Study:

At the end of quarter one, the administration will implement a study hall for sophomores struggling with academic or social-emotional progress. If a sophomore has two or more C’s at the quarter mark, then they will be required to attend study hall. Students with unexcused absences or behavioral problems will also be required to attend.

8, Advisory:

Unlike last year, WHS students will have advisory every day, except on Wednesdays, after their second period class for seven minutes: 10:33-10:40 a.m. Occasionally, students will have an extended, 25-minute-long advisory on Wednesdays.

9, Restrictions on Classes:

In all learning spaces, desks will be spaced out three feet apart from each other. As long as that distance is met, there will be no restrictions on class size. Classes will also have the opportunity to use tents for outdoor learning. Just like last year, students will sanitize their desks and chairs following each class.

10, Pooled Testing:

WHS will offer pooled testing again this year. Likely, the testing will take place every Thursday with results returning on Friday.

Students will test with two swabs, so that if a pool tests positive, students will not have to be retested; rather, the second swab will just be tested alone. Although not yet decided, testing will likely start on Thursday, Sep. 9.