Two or three weeks ago, the sophomores had their Semi-formal. Good for them. But I am a discontented freshman. The sophomores get their Semi, the juniors get their Prom, the seniors their cotillion/class day/ cruise. What about us? We don’t get a dance.
I felt the same way in 6th grade, seeing signs for the 7th and 8th grade dance, while we went to Roller Kingdom. To be fair, we did get a dance at the end of the year. Then, I found out that middle school dances aren’t too special if you’re cursed with two left feet like I am. I ended up being one of those people in the corner who played volleyball with a balloon because people asked me as politely as they could to please get my butt off the dance floor. (They never mentioned the rest of me though.) Apparently my dancing can scar people for life.
But getting back to the point, it doesn’t seem fair that we don’t get a social event. I know that it’s generally argued that since we have committed the crime of being a mere freshman (a heinous transgression indeed), we shouldn’t get one. I guess the deal is that once you can get respect from the seniors, you get a social event. Personally, I don’t think I’ll get respect from the seniors until I can look them in the eye without neck pains or a footstool.
It’s a strange idea though, the lack of respect towards the freshman. Apparently, to be a freshman is the worst thing you can do in high school, but everyone’s done it. I suppose the seniors feel like they have to act like big brothers and sisters toward the freshman and let’s be honest – what’s a better representation of an older brother or sister than the senior who picks on a freshman?
But somehow, the class of ’13 will live through our freshmen discontentment and make it into our sophomore year, when we will get to go to the Semi and make fun of the class of ’14 simply for being freshmen.
Check in next week for a new blog. Or just click on the link so that my hit count is high, and my self esteem is raised a little bit.
georgieporgie • Dec 8, 2009 at 12:56 AM
simple answer to this conundrum
freshmen aren’t mature enough to handle a formal dance
the main reason a freshman is going to get picked is because he does something immature and obnoxious, not solely because he’s a freshman but because of a lack of maturity and experience, which frankly just bugs upperclassmen. I am NOT saying that it’s right to pick on freshmen but what is true is that freshmen should be mindful that they’re not picked on “simply for being freshmen” as stated here.
Besides the longer you wait, the more special an event like semi or prom can be. Stop complaining about the absence of a freshman dance and wait like the rest of us have, you’ll have your day, just not this year.
anon • Dec 7, 2009 at 9:20 AM
Bravo! All joking aside, it’s beyond me why upperclassmen thinks it’s cool, or funny, to pick on freshmen. And the class that decides it’s just plain dumb and is determined to break the cycle (if WE don’t do it, then the class that isn’t picked on won’t do it either) will deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. Just cuz you got picked on is no reason to pick on the newbies. Instead of giving kicks, you could give a little kindness, and feel better about yourself in the process….