I stared at the picture longingly for a solid three minutes until I realized that I could easily put my Googling powers to use and get this recipe. I typed in something truly intelligent, “chocolate chip cookies with Oreos inside,” and was extremely excited to see that the same picture I had just been mentally indulging myself with was the first result with a recipe underneath it.
The best part was that when I clicked on the link, I found myself looking at another cooking blog. I began looking through the site and reading the comments left by the readers who had already made and tried the cookies.
I clearly didn’t need any convincing to make these cookies, but after reading the comments my hands were itching to begin.
If you know my family, you would know that having cookies in the house, let alone Oreo cookies is a rarity, so it put a minor speed bump in the process.
After obtaining the Oreos, I began the process of the cookies, which was extremely simple.
All you have to do is make chocolate chip cookie dough and then wrap it around an Oreo.
If you are feeling especially lazy, you could also buy a roll of chocolate chip cookie dough and use that, although that’s not as fun. The recipe says that it makes 24 cookies, but I only ended up having enough to make eight the first time and 12 the second time.
While wrapping the cookies, I realized that if you don’t want the cookies to be super sized, it’s easiest to flatten a piece of cookie dough and then wrap that around the cookie. I found myself not so much wrapping, but rolling the dough around in my hand to form a ball that completely covered the cookie.
Just a small warning for when you make these cookies: they are HUGE and when I say huge, I mean like four times the size of a normal chocolate chip cookie. The cookies were a tremendous hit though. When I pulled out them out at school, I was literally bombarded with people asking for them, so I highly suggest you try out this recipe.
big fan • May 12, 2012 at 5:15 PM
lol yeah • May 10, 2012 at 10:48 AM
and make it double
sdajksdjlk • May 10, 2012 at 10:48 AM
prepare for trouble!
*passes mic*