Q&A with WHS presidential and vice presidential candidates
Credit: Isabel Gitten
Pictured above is a photo illustration of someone casting a vote. WSPN interviews the Class of 2020’s newly elected officers.
May 18, 2016
Student Council Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates
Tyler Johnsen and Max Adelman
If you were elected, what would your plans be?
Max: We would fix up winter week so that we have more student performances. We’d also be implementing a ton BBQ’s before sporting events. We want to have a battle of the bands competition, a student/teacher roast and an all day field day towards the end of the year.
What makes you different from all the other candidates?
Max: Well for starters, we come from different backgrounds socially and academically. For example [Tyler] does plays and musicals while I do sports and mock trial, so we feel that we can best represent the school and relate to everyone. We are also very interested in school politics, so we are very motivated to promise you all the events planned previously.”
Tyler: “We’re actually motivated to implement all of our proposed changes. We don’t want this job just because we want to have ‘Student Council President and VP’ on our college applications. We legitimately want to make our school a better and more fun place for everyone.
Why should people vote for you?
Max: Well, I don’t want to sound conceited here but we’re both very smart, and more importantly we are hard workers. We are super passionate about our school and making it a better place for all the hardworking students and teachers. We believe that with our talents, we can achieve even more than we depict next year!”
Tyler: “To add on to Max: We’ll also be very receptive to any ideas that students present to us. We want to be as approachable as possible and represent the student body as best as we can.
Denzel Samuels and Caroline Greenlaw
If you were elected what would your plans be?
Denzel: If we were elected, our plans would be to revise Winter Week. We believe certain parts of it can be altered. This year was good, but due to a lot of delays and the weather, it wasn’t that eventful. In addition, we want to really be the voice for your ideas. I was talking some kids in the hallway, and we got some really great suggestions. Having a color or maybe field day was essential to some kids! In the end, we really hope to improve relations between student and faculty and be the voice for your suggestions!
What makes you different from the other candidates?
Denzel: What makes Caroline and I different from the other candidates is the fact that we both come from different backgrounds. I’m a male high school student who lives in an urban environment whereas Caroline is a female who lives in a suburban environment. We decided to run because we wanted these two experiences together in order to bring a new vibe of creativity and collaboration.
Why should people vote for you?
Denzel: We personally believe that people should vote for someone that they feel comfortable with. If you’re looking for a candidate that has charisma, wants to bring creativity and live up to the Wayland legacy, have no fear, for Denzel and Caroline are here. In the end, the choice is yours, for the best, vote success, vote Denzel Samuel and Caroline Greenlaw today.
Class of 2017
The current president and vice president of the Class of 2017 are running unopposed.
President Tony Park
What are your plans as president next year?
My plans for next year are to fundraise more money than we ever have before. We will try to have the best Senior Week Wayland has ever seen.
Vice President Sydney Hsu
What are your plans as vice president next year?
I plan to make senior year the best year of our lives. Hopefully we can raise more money for fun senior trips and events. I’m for the people: it’s all about making the people happy. I’d also like to give a shout out to the executive fam: Tony Park, Emily Wang and Izzy Rubin. It’s been a blast working with them.
Class of 2018
Kara Whitesell, incumbent president
If you were elected, what would your plans be?
I want to make sure everyone is happy with the class events and fundraisers by letting everyone have a say. This means more voting, more voice in Eboard, etc. Junior year has the biggest event of all four years, and this will require countless hours of planning to pull off. It’s not about what we’re given, it’s about what we make out of it, and I plan to take the event we’re given and turn it into something completely unforgettable. Let’s work together to build a high school experience to remember.
What makes you different from all the other candidates?
After doing this for a year I’ve learned a lot about the process of planning and looking for venues. There is a lot of behind the scenes work that people don’t know about. For example, we visited 10 prom venues in our own time and sent dozens of emails to flag them down. You need someone who’s willing to spend hours meeting with event coordinators. We’ve built up momentum this year, and we want to keep that going so we can get right into a smooth junior year with no interruptions. The other officers and I have already done lots of planning for prom and formed relationships with the event coordinators at our venue. We’ve already set the plan for prom in motion, so don’t halt it. I can be your great junior year guarantee and I’d appreciate your vote to make it happen.
Riley Bonner, presidential candidate
If you were elected, what would your plans be?
If elected, I would have plans that would better our grade and our school. I would plan fun social events that appeal to everybody- not only athletes or people who enjoy fine arts. I don’t want to have events that would only interest me and I don’t want to control anyone in our grade. My role would be to only follow through with what the grade wants to do. Some ideas I would propose would be a Comedy Night with a stand up comedian, a Class of 2018 Olympics, a film festival and a music festival. Regarding a steady cash flow, I would have a 5 dollar scavenger hunt every week where students would purchase a 1 dollar ticket in the hopes to find a 5 dollar certificate or gift card or cash around the school. This would be an easy way to make money every week. Of course I also have my “Green Plans,” which would save our school money and to be more eco friendly- hence the “green.” One idea in my “Green Plan” would be to change single use paper late slips from the office into reusable ones.
What makes you different from all the other candidates?
What makes me different than the other candidates is that I am not here to control anybody as stated above. I am here to lead. If I got the presidency, I wouldn’t be more important than everyone else in the grade. Because guess what? I am still a class member just like you! I find myself to be a very approachable person who is and will be open to any ideas that come my way. I want to change what It means to be president. I want our grade to come together and make the school a better place. The fact is that we only have two years left until we go to college so I want to make the next two years the best two years in high school and I believe that it starts with having our grade come together more. Having fundraising and social events regularly would bring our grade together. People also have to get over how hard raising money is. It isn’t rocket science and you don’t need to be a brainiac to do it. With enough charisma and creativity, you can make a lot of money. This is my algorithm for raising money for our grade for fundraising events: More fun equals more people equals more money! Pretty simple right?! I know what it takes to fundraise, as I have done it many times in the past. Some think I am incapable of these tasks, but I would love to prove them wrong!
Why should people vote for you?
People should vote for me because I would bring a change to the grade and our school that will would be noticeable and I would not be oblivious to what happens behind close doors. I have the ability to do something great here. On top of making money, I think the class president should also be responsible for social issues as well. Because what good is all the money if we don’t want to spend it and do not have people go to the events we raise it for? These social events make money too! People should also vote for me because I am a hard worker and will put time and effort into our grade’s needs. This isn’t just something I am running for to look good on my Naviance resume, this is something I truly care about. A lot of people know me as someone who jokes around, but if others know me as someone who can also be serious and work hard for something that I truly care about. That is the side I will show in my presidency if elected… but I also will have a dash of my silly side to make sure our class enjoys itself. Lastly, I believe people should vote for me because of my ability to talk with anybody and genuinely listen to what they have to say. This is something that I pride myself on, and something that would make me more fit for the presidency.
Jeffrey Prince, incumbent vice president
If you were elected, what would your plans be?
If elected, I would continue to work with our other class officers as well as Eboard in order to build upon our successes of the past year.
What makes you different from all the other candidates?
I am different than all other candidates in that I am the incumbent Vice President. I have more experience than any other candidate and a proven track record of success. Working with other class officers and Eboard, we raised nearly $4000, executed a wonderful semi and are in the process of planning our junior prom.
Why should people vote for you?
People should re-elect me because I am the most experienced and reliable candidate with a proven track record of success. I am one of only two people that has attended and led every single meeting and fundraiser without fail.
Abby Blumenfeld, vice presidential candidate
If you were elected, what would your plans be?
I really just want to make sure we have a lot of money and fun. That is my main goal.
What makes you different from all the other candidates?
I am different from other candidates because I will help us make a lot of money and have a lot of fun.
Why should people vote for you?
You should vote for me because I will raise money for our class and ensure we have lots of fun.
Helen Cliff, vice presidential candidate
If you were elected, what would your plans be?
My plans are to make better fundraisers that involve everyone in the class and to include everyone’s perspectives on prom and other class events. I want everyone to be heard and to be able to contribute to class events.
What makes you different from all the other candidates?
I am a fresh set of eyes and I have new ideas for the class that no one has heard yet. Most officers put themselves on a pedestal and think they’re above everyone else, but we are planning for everyone’s prom and everyone has good ideas to contribute. This willingness to listen to the voices of everyone in the grade sets me apart from everyone else.
Why should people vote for you?
I don’t want to just hear from the officers about what we want to do. I want to hear from everyone and listen to everyone’s ideas about fundraisers and prom.
Class of 2019
President Rosie Kiefer, running unopposed
What are your plans as president for next year?
As of right now we are currently planning our last fundraiser of the year, the Krispy Kreme donut fundraiser, and are also beginning to plan for semi next year which will take place on Nov. 18 at the Weston Golf Club. We have raised about $1,800 this year and hope to surpass $2,000 after Krispy Kreme. As was our goal at the beginning of this year, next year we hope to make semi as best as it possibly can and continue to create a steady income for our class to fund prom, and just have a fun year once again!
Andrew D’Amico, incumbent vice president
If you were elected, what would your plans be?
If I was re-elected, I would continue to lead fundraisers that we have done before, and additionally we would continue adding more fundraisers throughout the year. We would also plan semi which will take place in November.
What makes you different from all the other candidates?
I’m different from the other candidates because I have experience being a vice president. I think having a year of experience is really crucial because it lets us continue all the fun and exciting things we’re doing right now. If another person was elected we would pretty much be starting all over again from the beginning.
Why should people vote for you?
I think people should vote for me because I believe we’ve been very successful this year and I have had a major role in that success. Our fundraising has been great and we’ve already begun planning events such as semi that will be fun experiences for our class.
Hannah Rice, vice presidential candidate
If you were elected, what would your plans be?
If I were elected my plan would be to work together with our president. From being on E-board last year I am aware of the amount of work that is put on our president, and as VP my job would be to take away some of that load on her and put it on myself so that we can get things done in a much more productive and efficient way.
What makes you different from all the other candidates?
What makes me different from the other candidates is that I am very enthusiastic and will be extremely dedicated to this role. I am excited for the opportunity and will bring fresh ideas into office.
Why should people vote for you?
People should vote for me because I am a very approachable person and I love to hear other people’s thoughts and opinions so that I can take them into office and speak for the people of our class. I believe that I will give my all in helping to make this upcoming year more successful than this year.
Olivia Harvey, vice presidential candidate
If you were elected, what would your plans be?
If I were elected, I would make sure that everyone is included (as much as they care for). A main piece of my campaign is that last year was pretty uneventful. I talked to multiple students and they agreed and gave me some great ideas: a field day, reforms on homework load and fundraisers everyone can be interested in.
What makes you different from all the other candidates?
What makes me stand out from the rest of the ballot is that I actually care for the greater good. The government at the moment only seems to benefit their smaller inner circle of friends, and the two candidates I am running against overlap. There’s nothing wrong with them or their friends, it’s just simply that I want to cultivate everyone in our grade.
Why should people vote for you?
People should vote for me because I am very dedicated towards this and even if I’m not so to speak “experienced”, neither were they a year ago when we chose the officers. I’m really excited for this coming year and I hope the Class of 2019 is too!