FAQs about voting
Credit: Flickr user justgrimes
WHS students will see a new system of paper balloting run by the AP Government classes when they vote for student council officers later this week.
October 4, 2016
Q: How do I register to vote?
You can register to vote online through the Massachusetts Online Voter Registration System. Through this system, you can apply to register or pre-register to vote in Massachusetts, change your name or address for voter registration purposes and change your party enrollment. To submit an online application, you must have a valid driver’s license, learner’s permit or non-driver ID. You must also have a signature on file with the Registry of Motor Vehicles. You can also register by mail by sending in the Voter Registration form or register in-person at any local election office or at the Elections Division of the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office.
Q: When does voting registration close?
Voting registration closes online, by mail, and in person on October 19th.
Q: Do I have to be 18 to register to vote?
No. As long as you will be 18 years old before or on election day, which is Tuesday, November 8, you can register.
Q: What is an absentee ballot and how can I get one?
An absentee ballot is a voting ballot that can be completed and mailed in prior to the election by a voter who cannot be present at the polls on election day. To get an absentee ballot, you must apply prior to the election day by sending in an application to your local city or town clerk or election commission.
Q: Where can I vote?
In Wayland, precincts 1 and 4 vote at the Wayland Town Building Gymnasium and precincts two and three vote at the Wayland Middle School Gymnasium. The polls are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM on election day. You can find your precinct in Wayland here.
Q: Am I required to vote for everything on the ballot?
No. You only have to vote for the names or ballot questions you want.
Q: What should I bring with me when I go to vote?
You must show an in person ID in Massachusetts if you are voting for the first time in MA, your registration status is inactive because you haven’t voted recently, the poll worker has some reasonable suspicion that leads them to request ID or you have to complete a provisional or challenged ballot at the polls. If those things do not apply to you, then you will not need to show an ID, but it is good to bring it just in case.
A valid ID in MA includes a MA driver’s license, a MA-issued ID, a recent utility bill, a signed lease, a rent receipt, a sworn statement that you are a registered, active voter, or any other document showing your name and address. More information about identification requirements can be found here.
Q: Do I need to pick a party in order to vote?
You don’t need to choose a party in order to vote in the presidential election. If you do not pick a party, you can enter “No party” on your voter registration form.