In Case You Missed It: Week of April 2
Credit: Nat Hsu
In the weekly series, “In Case You Missed It,” News Editor Marissa Mendoza summarizes stories from the past week with links to the corresponding WSPN article.
April 9, 2018
In the weekly series, “In Case You Missed It,” WSPN’s news editor Nathan Zhao and assistant news editor Kevin Wang summarize stories from the past week with links to the corresponding WSPN article.
Reporters Julia Callini and Amira English described the new prom transportation rules and provisions. Students will travel in party buses provided by the Class of 2019 executive board. The cost will come out of promgoers’ tickets.
WSPN staff sought out WHS students at the March for Our Lives protesting gun violence.
Reporters Lilly Stoller and Caroline Lampert collected students’ opinions on the online “fake” Instagram, or “finsta,” culture.
Reporters and exchange students Teresa Hank-Gomez and Emma Nallet compare and contrast gun laws and restrictions in Germany, France and the United States.
Editor Kyle Chen described how a 30-second conversation with a delivery man helped him appreciate the situation and privileges he has been provided here at Wayland.
WSPN’s Jay Abdella and reporter Julia Callini photographed students from elementary and middle school choruses perform in “Wayland Sings” in a 21-photo gallery.