How can you not love Thanksgiving? You’ve got the three F’s: food, football and food again.
Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday of the year. No one can judge me for eating like a pig while watching sports on TV. In fact, the three games I watched this year were some of the most interesting games played on Thanksgiving in quite some time. But more of that later.
Thanksgiving officially started for me on Tuesday night at the dodgeball tournament. Quick shoutout to my dodgeball team Roshambo. When we made it all the way to the Final Four, no one gave us a chance. Next year we are going all the way!
Wednesday was the Powderpuff game. Unfortunately our girls lost, but they definitely played a heck of a game.
We got our revenge on Thursday when we crushed Weston 35-7. What a performance by junior Robert Williams, who stepped in for the injured Brian Garcia. Williams scored four touchdowns. If only there was a high school football fantasy league, Robert would have put up an insane number of points.
Now, we get to look forward to Tuesday’s game against Westwood! I’ll give a full recap and analysis of that game next week.
Thursday’s NFL games were great. First off, the Detroit Lions got screwed on a bad decision by coach Jim Schwartz, and they lost the game in overtime. Whenever there is a controversy with NFL head coaches, Jim Schwartz seems to be right in the middle of it.
I don’t remember much from the Redskins-Cowboys game except for the fact that I thought it was kind of ironic that those were the two teams playing on Thanksgiving. I was way too focused on my plate of food and getting back up for seconds to pay much attention.
And the best part of my Thanksgiving? Clearly, it was the Patriots-Jets game. How bad are the Jets? Actually I take that back. How bad is Tim Tebow for not even being put into that game? But let us all remember back to the 2010 season. The Patriots beat the Jets 45-3 on national television and still lost to them in the playoffs. Let’s not get too confident.
How about some baseball news? I was so caught up in the football spirit that I forgot to mention the crazy Blue Jays-Marlins trade. The only franchise worse than the Jets is the Marlins. They took taxpayer money to build a new stadium, promised they would pay for talented players to play in the stadium, paid the players and ship them all away only a year later. Ridiculous.
Good luck to everyone trying out for winter sports teams this week!
“I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.” -Jon Stewart
annabanana • Nov 26, 2012 at 9:53 PM
harry you are so funny!