Our team is 0-5. We suffered a tough first loss to Maynard, 2-1, in the bottom of the seventh inning (we only play seven innings). All of our other games have gotten away from us, but we’ve played some solid innings, and when we put it together, we’ll be fine. We play three games this week and because of the rain, they are all in a row, culminating with our first game against a DCL Small opponent, Weston, on Friday.
The girls softball team is also searching for the elusive first win; they are 0-5. They have a tough upcoming schedule against DCL Large opponents. They might not get the results they hope for in these games, but hopefully they can learn from them and put a sound game together.
Boys lacrosse is off to a slow start too, but they have captured their first victory. They sit at 2-5. The boys seem to be lacking some team chemistry and are trying to fill the holes left from last year’s senior class, from which five players are playing in college. They have an upcoming stretch of five consecutive road games that should determine what the season will be like.
Both boys and girls tennis have enjoyed solid starts; the boys sit at 3-1 and the girls at 3-2. Each team has two more matches until they start the DCL Small schedule.
Boys volleyball has already played seven matches this season, and they sit at 4-3. This is a very young team, and they will gain some invaluable experience from this season regardless of their final record.
Girls lacrosse is off to an impressive 4-1 start. However, that one loss was against DCL Small opponent Concord-Carlisle. I hope that loss doesn’t hurt their chances at the Small title. The girls team has a lot of talent this year and could do some big things this upcoming season led by senior captains Rachel Massicotte, Bailey Morgan and Jess Greenwood.
Now as I said earlier, it is tough to keep up with work during senior spring, and some athletes feel the same about sports. This is why some seniors refuse to even try to play a spring sport. Simply put, they don’t want to put in the time or effort, and that’s perfectly fine. The tricky part is when seniors who are on sports have those feelings.
It is especially tough for seniors who make tournament. Most of the time, the seniors’ school year is already over when they’re in tournament. And depending on how far their team goes, they may have already graduated, yet seniors are supposed to show up every day for their team.
It’s an interesting situation, and one would hope that a team member, particularly a senior, would be dedicated enough to the team for such a tournament run, but that’s not always the case. I’ve seen it and experienced seniors giving up on the team in a way. I bet it will be tough, but I certainly don’t plan to slump on baseball. The only real solution I see would be to change when the playoffs are, but the MIAA already has enough trouble finding good refs or umps, so I don’t think that’s going to happen.
The spring season is off and running. For a glimpse over break, it felt like summer. Hopefully that weather comes back, and we get rid of this gloomy rain, so we can enjoy the sun! But don’t forget the sunscreen! As always check Warrior Scores for the latest.