This game is too addicting. I can’t even write this article without switching tabs every 30 seconds to try and beat 2048.
What is with this game? Why is it so addicting? Why am I playing it with teachers during class?
In my opinion, the reason that people keep playing is that you will feel so accomplished when you win. Unfortunately, I haven’t won, but I will keep trying until that glorious day is reached.
There is something about self satisfaction. We need that self satisfaction. For some reason, we are better people if we beat this game.
Even though some teachers believe that this game can be distracting and a waste of time, I am here to prove to all teachers that this game is great.
1. This is a math game! We should be playing this game in math to teach us about powers of two and how to combine numbers. It is also a brain puzzle that challenges the mind. Who doesn’t love a good brain teaser?
2. Kids are passionate about something that is going on inside school classrooms!
3. Kids are staying quiet during class so teachers are able to talk without interruptions and without having to speak over students. Teachers, is this so awful?
4. Has there ever been a finger workout game before? I don’t think so. 2048 is most certainly a finger workout, so technically we are engaging in physical activity.
5. Ms. Miller doesn’t have to yell at anyone in the media center anymore for talking too loud (unless they lose a tough game).
In all seriousness, this game shouldn’t be blocked (well at least until I beat the game). Both students and teachers can play this game and have fun with it. If students are distracted and do poorly in school, it is their own fault.
Teachers can simply tell students to put away their computers. Don’t ruin students’ frees. 2048 is a part of this school and it needs to stay here.
Even if this game is blocked, there still is the iPhone app. Try blocking that, administration! There is no stopping this game. It’s already out of control.
Interested Reader • Apr 16, 2014 at 10:28 AM
Good Stuff
will • Apr 16, 2014 at 9:26 AM
Note to the editor: Harry Falber had not beaten the game until last week after numerous (NUMEROUS!) attempts.
Guest • Apr 15, 2014 at 6:28 PM