News Brief: Zhao to attend journalism conference
Credit: Courtesy of the Newseum
Pictured above is the Newseum in Washington, D.C, home to the Institute that sponsors the conference where WSPN Editor-in-Chief Nathan Zhao will be spending the next week.
June 15, 2018
WSPN co-editor-in-chief and junior Nathan Zhao has been selected as the Massachusetts scholar in the 17th Annual Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference at the Newseum in Washington, DC. The event will take place from June 16 to June 21.
Only 51 journalism students – one from every state and the District of Columbia – are selected annually to take part in the conference, where they will use hands-on experiences to advance their journalistic ability. To be selected, Zhao had to complete an application consisting of two essays, two letters of recommendation, and several work samples. Zhao is the first student from WHS to be selected as the Massachusetts scholar. During the conference, scholars will meet with successful journalists, take part in workshops, visit Congressional and Judicial chambers and meet prominent governmental individuals. Traditionally, this will include a viewing of the taping of NBC’s “Meet the Press” before a question and answer session with host Chuck Todd. Zhao will also meet Lesley Visser, a groundbreaking sportscaster and the recipient of the winner of the 2018 Al Neuharth Award for Excellence in the Media. The all-expenses-paid conference also includes a $1,000 college scholarship.
“I’m most looking forward to meeting the other scholars and hearing about their personal experiences in journalism,” Zhao said. “Journalism has the ability to shape the lives of others and spark vital discourse, and I hope my week [at the conference] will teach me something about the power of those stories.
The Conference’s website is linked here, and find a list of this year’s scholars here.