MOTS: Do you think that 30 minutes is a long enough lunch break?

Credit: WSPN Staff
September 30, 2020
With the first month of the 2020-21 school year being remote, a common concern among students has arisen: the desire for a longer lunch break. As of right now, students are given 30 minutes to eat their lunch after their second block class of the day. In the survey conducted by WSPN, 95.4% of the 240 student responses believe that they need a longer lunch break during the remote portion of the year.
Rose Terren (junior)
Do you think 30 minutes is long enough for lunch break?
“I don’t think 30 minutes is enough time for lunch because at home, I need to make my own food most of the time, and 30 minutes just isn’t enough time to make and enjoy a healthy amount of food. Either I end up making real healthy food, and then having to scarf it down in five minutes and risk choking, or I make something less substantial, and then end up hungry again later anyway.”
What do you think would be an appropriate amount of time given for lunch?
“I think that 45 minutes would be a more appropriate amount of time for lunch. During normal school, 30-minute lunches worked because all the food was pre-made, but when you actually have to make and eat the food it takes longer. I think 45 minutes is just right as it gives 15 minutes for cooking and 30 for eating and having a break from screens.”
Sam Goldstone (senior)
Do you think 30 minutes is long enough for lunch break?
“I don’t have enough time to go and get lunch so I always stay home.”
What do you think would be an appropriate amount of time given for lunch?
“In order to cook food, eat it and also have a few minutes to go to the bathroom or take a screen break, lunch needs to be at least 45 minutes. I think we should rid of advisory and the 5 minutes in between it and first block so lunch can be 40+ minutes.”
Cal Russell (senior)
Do you think 30 minutes is long enough for lunch break?
“It’s not enough to either a.) cook your own food or b.) go and get food. 30 minutes is enough time to sit down and properly eat a meal, but that’s when it’s already prepared for you and readily available.”
What do you think would be an appropriate amount of time given for lunch?
“45 minutes at least, but an hour would be great.”
Do you usually eat lunch at home or go out to get food?
“I don’t have access to a car during the day, so I stay at home for food. I try and make easy foods (like pasta, soup, etc.) but most of the time I have to cook myself lunch if I want a healthy balanced meal.”
Ashley Rice (sophomore)
Do you think 30 minutes is long enough for lunch break?
“Now that we are home, students need time to either go out and buy something for lunch or make something at home themselves which can take 30 minutes itself, leaving students with no time to actually eat.”
What do you think would be an appropriate amount of time given for lunch?
“I would say anywhere from 45-60 minutes. I don’t think we should have an absurdly long lunch because it’s important we don’t extend the school day any longer. I think we should cut back on the screen breaks as they aren’t very beneficial and use that extra time for lunch.”
Do you usually eat lunch at home or go out to get food?
“I usually make something at home as I don’t have my license and my parents work. However, even if I wanted to go out and get lunch I simply wouldn’t have enough time to accomplish that.”
Taylor Travis (senior)
Do you think 30 minutes is long enough for lunch break?
“I don’t think 30 minutes is a long enough lunch break, and I think we should take out advisory and only have it on Wednesdays and then add that time from advisory into our lunch time.”
What do you think would be an appropriate amount of time given for lunch?
“I think just adding those 10 minutes from advisory and the break after advisory to get to our first class to make our lunch 40 minutes would be enough. I still think longer is better, but I feel like 40 minutes would be a decent amount of time.”