News Brief: Schedule changes occurring this week


Credit: Theo Ghosh

News Editor Nadya Chase informs readers about the schedule changes occurring this week.

Nadya Chase

On Tuesday, May 17 and Wednesday, May 18, sophomores will take the mathematics Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) exam. MCAS testing will occur during the first three blocks of each day in the English wing, meaning students who are not taking MCAS will have their English classroom relocated during the MCAS testing period.

Because of MCAS, advisory will not meet on Tuesday (A day). On Wednesday (B day), the period rotation will run in a different order: four, five, six, eight, one and two.

On Thursday (C day), the SADD club will be holding a “mock car crash” event to show the severity of dangerous driving. The event will be followed by a discussion between advisory groups. Because of the event, there will be a special bell schedule linked here.