Wandering Backpack: David Schmirer
Wandering Backpack asks what you would bring if you had 10 minutes to pack a bag with your most treasured items, knowing you wouldn’t be back for years.
December 4, 2015
Running shoes: Running is pretty much my favorite thing to do when I’m not at work. I definitely want these shoes to be able to exercise and keep my mind at ease.
Coffee: I would find a way, however humanly possible, to make coffee because without that, it would be pretty much a miserable existence.
Mets hat: Keeps the sun out of my eyes and represent my favorite baseball team as well.
Glasses and glasses case: Without either of those, pretty much everything else is a non-starting point because I can’t really see anything without them.
Book: This is a book called Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, which is a superb book and one that I have read multiple times and one that I know could keep me entertained.
Picture of son Henry: I could use it as a bookmark. [It’s] a picture of my son Henry. I would miss his cute face. I would want to be able to see him all the time.