Crozier to become superintendent of Sudbury after 17 years at Wayland

Credit: Caitlin Newton

Current Wayland superintendent Brad Crozier. Crozier is moving on from the position this year to become superintendent of Sudbury Public Schools. “Wayland is a great school district, and the focus people put on education here in Wayland is something I think they will never lose,” Crozier said.

Brad Crozier, the current assistant superintendent of Wayland, will leave his position at the end of the school year to become the K-8 superintendent for the Sudbury school district. Crozier has been Wayland’s assistant superintendent for 17 years.

According to Crozier, accepting the position was a logical decision to make because of his past experience working with kids in this particular age group. Crozier was once a third-grade teacher, as well as a sixth-grade teacher. He was also principal of Happy Hollow School in Wayland.

“When the Sudbury job opened, it seemed to make a lot of sense to me,” Crozier said.

As Crozier moves to Sudbury, he believes it won’t necessarily be a hard transition from what he is used to. According to Crozier, his work in schools and education has prepared him for becoming superintendent.

Crozier has been involved with education from a young age because of his family’s educational background. His family members helped shape the path he chose to follow, which was education.

“My dad was a superintendent, so being around educators all my life and talking [at dinnertime] about school budgets and what books kids liked most from a young age was a big influence on [me] becoming a superintendent,” Crozier said.

According to Crozier, he’s learned from both challenges and lessons during his tenure as a teacher, principal and an assistant superintendent.

“You really have to listen to the parents, the students and the teachers when you are an administrator to make sure that you are moving the school in the right direction,” Crozier said. “You can make a lot of decisions that impact the classroom and not really understand how your decisions impact the classroom.”

As Crozier proceeds to leave the Wayland school district, he believes he will leave behind many great moments and accomplishments.

“I am most proud of the relationships that I have formed with teachers,” Crozier said. “The number of teachers that were really happy for me [when] I got the job was pretty impressive. The number of people that I’ve had positive relationships [with] over the last 17 years means a lot to me.”

While Crozier’s time in Wayland has come to a close, he believes the values the town has instilled in him will carry over to his job in Sudbury and beyond.

“Wayland is a great school district, and the focus people put on education here in Wayland is something I think they will never lose,” Crozier said.