Fashionistas of the Month: Jasmine Fu and Ami/e Ghosh

Fashionistas of the Month: March Edition

Credit: Courtesy of Ami/e Ghosh

Name: Ami/e Ghosh

Grade: Sophomore

Favorite store: “Thred-up. It’s an online thrift store and the website interface is a nightmare but they have a huge selection of second-hand clothing, and it’s all in really good condition.”

Online shopping or in-store: “Online shopping. I hate trying on clothes in-store so much that I’d prefer to just not try them on at all.”

Fashion icon: “I don’t have a specific person or brand. If I need inspiration I just google, but I will give the cliche answer and say that best dressed on YouTube has some really good videos.”

Outfit: “I never remember where I got my clothes, but I know the jacket was thrifted, the jeans are from Old Navy, and the boots are Doc Martens.”

Favorite season: “Winter. I wear a lot of full-coverage outfits because it’s what I’m comfortable in, and winter is the best time to not get strange looks for it.”

Design time: “I actually very rarely plan an outfit beforehand. I change in the morning, before I take out my night contacts, so I’m half blind and pick everything by texture alone. Comfort matters more to me than cohesiveness.”

Favorite article of clothing: “Bulky jackets. Warm, shapeless, comfortable.”

Style word: “Ranged.”

Advice for the fashion-challenged: “Don’t bother trying to follow trends. Wear what makes you comfortable and don’t worry about having a set style. As long as you’re confident in it, it’s a good outfit.”


Credit: Courtesy of Jasmine Fu

Name: Jasmine Fu

Grade: Sophomore

Favorite store: “I like shopping at sport stores such as Nike. I also enjoy shopping online for cheap clothes.”

Online shopping or in-store: “In-store because judging proportions and material is hard online. I had many bad online shopping [experiences] where an item is much bigger or smaller than expected.”

Fashion icon: “My dad.”

Outfit: “I am wearing a polo shirt and waterproof hiking pants with a belt. I am also wearing a beanie.”

Favorite season: “The summer because I enjoy wearing t-shirts and shorts.”

Design time: “I usually think about what I am wearing right before school. This gives me a chance to figure out the ‘vibes’ of the day. It can also lead to fun surprises later in the day.”

Favorite article of clothing: “I like my Under Armour sweater because it is comfortable and has big pockets.”

Style word: “I would describe my style as practical.”

Advice for the fashion-challenged: “I would advise the fashion-challenged to think about color coordination. I would also advise the fashion-challenged to value comfort over flashiness.”