Q&A with the 2021 Senior Show directors

Following a Senior Show-less 2020, the class of 2021 is ready to make their comeback. The class recently elected their Senior Show Executive Board and directors, who are excited to get the process of planning started. "As an underclassman, I loved watching the Senior Show even if I didn't understand all the inside jokes," senior director Philip Natsis said. "Now, being the lead director, it's awesome to take charge of something I've enjoyed for all of these years and watch it all unfold."

Credit: WSPN Staff

Following a Senior Show-less 2020, the class of 2021 is ready to make their comeback. The class recently elected their Senior Show Executive Board and directors, who are excited to get the process of planning started. “As an underclassman, I loved watching the Senior Show even if I didn’t understand all the inside jokes,” senior director Philip Natsis said. “Now, being the lead director, it’s awesome to take charge of something I’ve enjoyed for all of these years and watch it all unfold.”

Last year, COVID-19 caused the cancellation of the class of 2020’s Senior Show, but the class of 2021 is ready to make its comeback. Seniors Ella L’Esperance, Philip Natsis and Luca Norian will take on the roles of directors for the upcoming show. Here’s what they have to say thus far:

Ella L’Esperance

What is it like being a director of this show?

“It’s really exciting being a big part of something I have looked [forward] to for so long, and [the show is] something I think every senior is excited about after such an uncertain year.”

What changes do you want to make to the senior show?

“I think the other directors and I are trying to keep it funny and light-hearted, but we’re also trying to switch it up from years prior. I wouldn’t say there are certain things we are looking to change this year.”

What inspired you to be a director?

“I think being a director is a really incredible opportunity to capture the class of 2021’s high school experience, and what really made me want to apply is to have fun and showcase what we have been through and be able to look back and joke at those times.”

How is the chemistry between the directors?

“I am super excited to work with the other directors. We are all friends and collaborate really well, so fingers crossed, it will be a great team.”

Any goals you have with the other directors?

“Our main goal is just to produce a show that our senior class can enjoy and get really excited about.”

What do you think you bring to the table as a director?

“I’m very creative in terms of making up skits and also setting goals and deadlines for our teams to meet.”

Philip Natsis

What do you enjoy about this job?

“[I enjoy] being behind the scenes of such a pinnacle event in senior year. As an underclassman, I loved watching the Senior Show even if I didn’t understand all the inside jokes. Now, being the lead director, it’s awesome to take charge of something I’ve enjoyed for all of these years and watch it all unfold.”

Based on how much work has been done, how has your experience as a director been?

“Because of COVID-19, the actual show won’t be until later in the year, and we’re still in the early stages of the process. We just finalized the directors and executive board a couple of weeks ago, and we have a bunch of crucial meetings in the next couple of days. The semi-slow start sort of made me realize how much pressure and responsibility is on my shoulders. This said, however, I feel like once we get the ball rolling, we’ll be super productive.”

What’s it like working with the other directors?

“We’re a very cohesive team. I’ve been friends with Luca and Ella for a long time, and we knew from a very early point in time that we wanted to be senior show directors. Meetings are very casual yet productive, and it doesn’t feel like a chore at all.”

Any big plans or goals for the show?

“At this point, our main goal is to make the Senior Show as close to the Senior Shows of the past despite COVID-19 restrictions. Although we want our show to be unique in its own way, there are a lot of aspects of a typical Senior Show, like dances and in-person skits, that are still very much in the air because of what’s going on. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that these next couple of months treat us nicely.”

What do you think you do best/bring to the table as a director? What makes you feel right for the director job?

“Being the class secretary for a couple of years now, I feel like I’ve marketed myself as a pretty approachable guy. I’ve always put a huge emphasis on my casual tone and not putting too much pressure on anything—it is only high school after all. This said, I want anyone in the grade to come to me if they have any suggestions and ideas. At the end of the day, I’m just another kid in the class, and I hope my emphasis on that allows the Senior Show process to be more cooperative.”

Luca Norian

What is it like being a director?

“So far being a director has pretty much just been exciting. We aren’t into the thick of it yet as far as recording skits and practicing dances, so what we’ve been doing so far is coming up with skit ideas, sending out forms, putting people in charge of certain things and [more].”

How have things changed with you as a director?

“While I can’t comment too much on how I’ve impacted things individually as it is too early to tell, I can say that Phil, Ella and I have great chemistry, and [our chemistry] is making things [run] much smoother and [enjoyably].”

What are some goals you have for the show?

“Our goal for the show is for everyone to enjoy it. We hope to have every group in our grade involved in at least one skit, so everyone can be a part of it.”

What do you think you do/don’t do well?

“I would say my personal strengths are comedic creativity, communication and the ability to work well with anyone. Some weaknesses I have are organizational skills, but luckily Phil and Ella are stronger in that department.”

Any goals you have with the other directors?

“In the end, we just want to make a show that everyone enjoys. It’ll be a bit difficult because of the current situation, but we’ll be sure to do our best.”