From Beyoncé to blackouts to a major blizzard; it has been a really strange week.
Well, here’s what’s not so strange: Girls’ swimming won the DCL title. It has been an incredible season for this team. They did not lose a single meet. The boys had a great season as well, coming in third in the DCL. Nice job to all of the swimmers and divers!
Ski team ended their season this past thursday and will be sending senior Alice D’Orlando to states from the girls’ team. From the boys’ team, Ben Slater, Will Regan and Andy Regan will be going to states. Congratulations to them!
Both boys and girls basketball are nearing the end of their respective seasons. While it hasn’t been a fantastic year for the girls’ team, they are playing better than they did last year. Nice job ladies! As for the boys team, they are enjoying a 13-3 record and they sit atop the DCL small.
The boys hockey team qualified for the MIAA winter tournament after they tied Lowell Catholic 2-2 on Sunday night. Hopefully they can repeat the success of last year.
This weekend marked the first Sunday since September in which there has not been a football game played, although it seems like the Super Bowl was more than a week ago.
Last week I made a prediction for the game, and I was way off. That won’t stop me from making predictions in the future. Everybody has bad days, just ask the New Orleans electric companies or Chris Culliver. In fact, Chris Culliver had more than a bad day; he’s had a bad couple of weeks. If you are feeling down about yourself, just look him up on Google and you will immediately feel better.
If you are like me, and you’re not a fan of snow, here is what you can look forward to. Red Sox season has officially started! Yes, I know they won’t be playing games for two more months, but to a die-hard fan like me there is nothing better than watching the players show up in Fort Myers to start Spring Training.
This will be my last post before February break. Hopefully all my readers will have a nice vacation off from school.
Also, Happy Valentine’s day to all of my female readers. You are all my Valentines.
In honor of Valentine’s day and a new Red Sox season, here is a quote from someone who will never be forgotten in Boston.
“Not much I would have done differently – I think I would have kept beer in the clubhouse; I Could’ve used a few.”
-Bobby Valentine